Chapter 3: His Maid Is Now A Prep

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Don't you dare forget about that contest with the male OC!

A/N: So, Mey-Rin will enter the story under the name May. Bardroy will enter under Brad. Finny will enter as Fin. And last and definitely not least, Alois will enter as Alex. The boy version of course. MEY-RIN WILL NOW BE SUPER PRETTY AND POPULAR AT YOUR SCHOOL! Cue story part! They will be a bit OOC because they are REINCARNATIONS! You will also be OOC Ciel.
Waaaaaait a second! Don't forget the male OC! I don't want to have to make this story short. I want you guys to gain the chance to make or break this story. I just need a new character to help. Rules are in the Author note last chapter((NOT THE SECRET CHAPTER))! Enjoy!

*(Y/N) POV*

After the whole Sebastian thing, Allaura has been different. I started to wonder about her not being okay anymore. What did they talk about back there? What got her so shaken up? Why did she have a bruise on her face?

"Allaura? Are you okay?" I said poking her arm.

"Fine my lady. It is nothing to be concerned over."

"O-Kay then. I still think it is something." I sang.

"It's nothing." She snapped.

"You and that Sebastian have history don't you?" She was quiet. Pain registered on her face as if she didn't want to remember when she was human. It must have been hard to see your best friend become a demon.
((Reader-Chan has so little faith in my ability to get a boyfriend))

"No. I don't have a history with that monster." She said. She sounded pained and I could definitely tell she was lying. The car came to a halt and we got out. My butler, Johannes, took the car out of the parking lot after saying he would be back at three.

May ran up to us, her unnatural pinkish red hair draped behind her in soft curls. Her eyes brightened as soon as she saw us. "(Y/N), Allaura, so good to see you guys! How is life going?" She asked while scooting between us and putting one of her arms over each of our shoulders.

"We are fine May. Just don't trip and make us fall with you, you damn klutz." Allaura said. Now I know for sure she isn't in a good mood since she saw him.
Wow. She doesn't get angry at hardly anyone. It was quite a shocker for May to as it appears. Her face looked kind of sad.

"You're so mean Allaura!" She exclaimed angrily.

"Sorry. Sorry." Allaura apologised running a hand through her hair that was in a messy bun that got messier at the cafe. She pulled her galaxy designed backpack further up on her shoulder and let out a yawn. She was always bored at school.

I rolled my eyes as we entered our school. Our mascot statue of a bulldog resided in the main lobby with stairs flanking either side.

I was going to rub my eyes but then Alex hopped into my back with my backpack. "Get off of me Alex!" I said. Allaura came to my rescue by pushing him off.

"Alex, don't get on (Y/N)'s back. Unless you have permission of course." He pouted.

"You're no fun Allaura." He muttered continuing to pout. Anyone could tell he had a huge, and I mean huge, crush one yours truly. Maybe I am just conceited.

Then Eliza skipped over. Damn that happy-go-lucky, cute thing loving girl! Her curly blond hair was held in two separate braids that bounced as she bounded over with a bright smile.
"(Y/N)-Chan!" She exclaimed happily.

"What is it Eliza?" What was it with her and her Japanese endings to words? I rolled my eyes and the bell rang.

"See ya guys later!" I said waving to Eliza and May. To first hour Economics with Mr.Payne, here we go.


I let out a yawn as the bell released us to go eat. Today on the menu was lobster salad or some sushi. Grrr.... Why seafood? Sometimes I don't like seafood.

I grabbed a tray with Allaura behind me. She was tugging on the bangs that draped across her left cerulean eye. She seemed off today and there was definitely a bruise on he cheek from whatever exchange between her and Sebastian.

Do they have history? I bet they do. Allaura is really pretty, but I am more pretty as she tells me. Now May, May is the prettiest.

In fact, she had many guys in our school lusting after her. Little did they know, she was naive and a complete and total klutz. A ditz with natural pinkish red hair and chocolate eyes. It makes me feel bad now. Damn it all.

For the second time today, Alex jumped on my back, successfully scaring the shit outta me. "Goddamn it Alex! Get the fuck off my back and stop sneaking up on me!" I exclaimed. Allaura gave Alex a glare from her place beside me. Why the hell was she in such a bad mood today! Was Sebastian really able to put Allaura of all people in a bad mood all day?

Alex slid off my back then cowered behind May, who stood in front of us watching the exchange.

As we reached out table with Brad and Fin, Eliza and May, Alex and Tori, and finally Allaura and I, we sat down in our usual spots. Tori was asking everyone if they were going to eat their lunch. Her brown hair made her look like Sasha from Attack on Titan with her appetite included. I let out a breath and everyone stopped messing around. "What's wrong (Y/N)?" Fin asked.
"Just a weird morning." I said softly.
"Just weird. Different shall I put it." I yawned. What I really needed now was some Earl Grey tea and a good game of chess.
Then May, who was sitting on the opposite side of me than Allaura, asked, "What's up with Allaura? She's off today. She seems pissed."
"She is." I replied.
"Why?" Eliza asked eavesdropping on mine and May's conversation.
"I don't know. We met some guy and I think they might have had history." I whispered. I knew Allaura was hearing the whole conversation whether we were whispering softly or not. Being an angel, I guess she can read minds or some mojo like that.
May and Eliza's eyes widened. "She has history with someone?!" They both exclaimed at the same time.
"Who?" Allaura asked. That shut them up and she knew it too.
The bell rang signalling us to dump our trays and leave the dining hall to head to our fourth period class. Biology with Ms.Goodwin was mine.
I walked into the classroom to see a shock of my life. The teacher in the classroom wasn't Ms.Goodwin, it was Sebastian Michaelis.

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