VeriVery in the market

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Dongheon : where can the potato be? is this potato?/touches potato, potato gets rotten/ WAIT THERE'S SUCH THINGS AS ROTTEN POTATOES??
Yeonho : /appears out of nowhere/ actually, in fact there is! rotten potatoes are potatoes that is left unwatched and have baby roots growing on it. the baby roots are poison so you can either grow another potato plant with it or you can throw it away!
Dongeon : /shock/ since when you got smart ?
Yeonho : ....... I AM YEONO! /dissapears/
Seller : true though!

Hoyoung : AHHHHHHHHHH!/screams hysterically/
Others : what's wrong ?
Hoyoung : t-that f-fish won't stop s-staring at me!*cries*
Others : *face palm*

Minchan : /walks to seller/ Hi! I'm Producer Chan! I love fish! can you tell me what fish is this?
Seller : uhm this is a–
Minchan : is there a rainbow fish? i heard there's one! is it hard to work as a seller? be honest!
Seller : it depends ....
Minchan : depends? in the rate of one to ten... how much will you give it?
Seller : probably–
Minchan : IS THAT A RAINBOW FISH I SEE??! /runs to fish/

Gye : i don't want to go the market! /rebels/ LEMME SLEEP!
Hoyoung : ya lazy bum! yeono! buy the items yourself then, this hyung is lazy to–
Gye : i'm up! c'mon yeono, leggoo! /drags yeonho to the market/
Others : .........

Yeonho : i'll name you fishy 1, fishy 2, fishy 3! /makes an army with fishes/ LET'S CHARGE OUR FINSSSSSSSSSSS!

Yongseung : is there any–
Everyone : /shuts store/

Kangmin : fishy!
Hoyoung : yup!
Kangmin : /takes fish and slaps Yongseung with it/ me no like Yongbot!
Yongseung : b-but i loveu you Minnie!
Kangmin : ......../slap Yongseung/

a/n : hehehehe 'm sorry yongbot :p


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