Deku's thoughts

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Izuku's POV

I sigh as I look at the clock on the wall. We still had a half hour until class was out for the day. The last class of the day always seemed to drag on forever. Mr. Aizawa was explaining something about the Revolutionary War and normally I'd be taking vigorous notes but today I had something going on after school. Today Tenya, Ochaco and I are going to the movies to see the latest Revengers movie and I couldn't wait to see what had happened to my favorite characters. I glanced at the clock again and only three minutes had passed since I looked at it last. 

"Uggh looking at the clock will not make it go faster and I should really be paying attention to Aizawa." I think to myself. I pick up my pencil and start to write down what was just written on the board. As I am writing I realize that I ran out of lead in my mechanical pencil.

"Shoot." I say under my breath. Katsuki turns around with a raised eyebrow.

"You okay?" He whispers to me.

"I ran out of lead. Do you have some I can borrow?"

"Yeah." He rummages through his backpack before handing me a container of lead. 

"Thanks." I say as I take the container from his hands. He nods to me before turning around to continue taking notes. The class bell rings to signal the end of the day. As I am gathering my stuff to leave for the day, Eijiro walks up to my desk. 

"Hey." I say to him as I am putting my folder into my backpack. 

"Hey. Do you guys wanna hang out tomorrow? Shoto and I are going to go the library to study then heading to my house to play some board games." He said talking to Katsuki and I.

"I would love to." Katsuki said. I nodded in response. I picked my backpack off of the floor.

"I gotta excuse myself Tenya and Ochaco are waiting for me." Both of the boys nodded at me. I left the classroom heading to the front of the school where they would be waiting for me. Tenya would be driving us today. As I am walking towards the front I feel a hand placed on my shoulder. Jumping slightly I turn around to see Denki smiling at me.

"You almost gave me a heart attack sneaking up on me like that." I said as I clutched my heart.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you like that. I just wanted to talk to you about something. Do you have a minute?" He looked at me with pleading eyes. I sighed and looked at the time on my phone. I texted Tenya saying that I would be out in a moment something urgent came up. He responded "OK." I turned to Denki.

"You've got my full attention."

"Can we go somewhere a little more private?"

"Like where?" 

"Behind the bleachers."

"Okay let's go." I start walking in the direction of the bleachers. We arrived at the bleachers quickly. I lean up against the wall and make a gesture for him to start talking. Denki sighs loudly and looks up at the celing.

"I've got a date." he says quietly. 

"Really? That's amazing who are you going with?" 

Denki mumbles a name but I couldn't hear it very well. 

"Did you want to write the name down so you don't have to say it?" I say as I hand him my phone so I could delete the name quickly. He nods and slowly takes the phone. Typing very slowly he hands it back to me. Hitoshi was the name I saw on my screen. 

"My ex?" I say a little shocked.

"........yeah" Denki says quietly. He looked a little deflated when it was revealed. Hitoshi and I ended on good terms when we both realized that we didn't really have feelings for each other anymore. I patted Denki on his shoulder trying to reassure him that it was okay. Denki and I were close friends and I don't think he wanted to date someone I dated without my knowledge in case I still had feelings.

"Have fun on your date with him! Let me know how it turns out okay?" I smiled my biggest smile to him. "Anyway I need to go meet up with Tenya and Ochaco we are going to the movies." I wave bye to him as I run to the entrance, literally running into someone.  I smack into someones back and fall to the ground. I rub my lower back because it hurt after the impact. 

"Ouch." I mumble. I look up and see Shoto standing there. "OH MY GOSH!!! I am so sorry Shoto I was not paying any attention to where I was going." I stand up quickly and apologize to him. He shrugs like it was no big deal and walked away. I sighed quietly and half jogged the rest of the way to the front of the entrance where Tenya and Ochaco were standing. 

"Sorry I am late guys." I say walking up to them.

"Its okay, we weren't waiting long and you did text us beforehand." Tenya said. He pulled out his car keys. "Lets go!" he smiled. 

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