Eijirous and Katsuki's thoughts

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Eijirous POV

Are YOU kidding ME?? I was so close!!!  I almost made it then I HAD to have the teacher talk to me. "Coming" I say walking up to his desk. I looked down at the dark brown desk covered in papers and nicknacks. We never really got to know the personal lives of our teachers but I was always curious. They are people too, and they have their own lives and experiences. "You wanted to see me Mr. Yamada?" I say while twiddling my thumbs. 

"I wanted to talk to you about the essay you turned in on Tuesday. It was incomplete. I asked for at least four pages and you gave me two. This isn't like you Eijirou you normally are better at turning in full essays. Are you doing okay?" Mr. Yamada says while leaning on the desk with his hands intertwined. He looked really concerned for me. I was touched. 

"Yeah I just have had a lot on my mind lately I guess I spaced it." 

"I'll give you until Thursday to turn in another copy. Hopefully it will be completed this time. You may go and let me know if you have any problems or anything okay?"

"Will do Mr. Yamada."  I walk out of the classroom. Well great now I have to wait until Mr. Aizawa's class to ask them. I walk quickly to my next class. I sit down in my chair and wait until the bell rings. I hope this class goes by quickly. Spoiler alert it didnt. Finally after what seemed like ages it was time for Mr Aizawa's class. I practically ran to class so that way I could make sure nothing happened inbetween classes and that they were still here today. Then they both walked through the doors. Izuku was excitedly telling Katsuki his new roller blades that had comic book characters on the sides. They sat in their seats and class began. I swear this class took even longer than any of my other classes. I think Izuku wanted out of there as well because he kept looking distracted. When class ended I quickly went over to their desks and asked. 

"Hey" Izuku says noticing I was walking up towards him. 

"Hey." I mildly brace myself before asking "Do you guys wanna hang out tomorrow? Shoto and I are going to go the library to study then heading to my house to play some board games." I say while looking between the two of them. 

"I would love to." Katsuki told me, which made my heart jump slightly. I noticed Izuku nodded his head before excusing himself.

"I gotta excuse myself Tenya and Ochaco are waiting for me" Izuku said before leaving us alone. 

"So thats whats been on your mind? Were you worried we'd say no?" Katuski said while turning to me. He had with slight smirk on his face that made his face even more handsome. 

"Umm maybe?" I say while walking out the door. "See you tomorrow." I wave slightly before practically sprinting away. AHHHHHHHHHHHH THEY SAID YESSSS!! I CANT WAIT

Katsuki's POV

When I was little I was told I had anger management issues. So I had to go to therapy to help. I dont know how much Mr Dela helped because honestly I didn't really pay attention. His voice is SUPER annoying and all he does is repeat the same thing every SINGLE week. Anyway. I guess he has made me improve my friendships because Izuku doesnt freak out as much anymore. Question. Why are there so many hot people at this god damn school? Honestly its so infuriating because a vast majority of them are taken or out of my league. Izuku for example is SUPER hot I doubt he even realizes it. His fluffy hair and freckles would make any sane person weak in the knees. Shoto is so sexy with his two toned hair and heterochromia, he also has an amazing fashion sense. I think Eijirou knows hes handsome because he walks like he owns the place. EVERYONE IS SO FUCKING GORGEOUS IN THIS SCHOOL. I swear half the school would make it big as a model. I think thats what Hanta's plans are to become. 

I noticed that Eijiou has been thinking hard about something because he scrunches up his nose when he looks in my direction. I dont think he realizes I notice him looking at me or Izuku, who is almost always sitting near me. I want to ask him what is on his mind but I never seem to have time because he is almost always swarmed by friends. Today he looks slightly nervous in Mr Yamda's class because he kept looking at the clock then back to us. He slightly stiffened when he was called at the end of class. Izuku was talking about how excited he was to see the new movie tonight with Tenya and Ochaco I wasnt really paying attention. "Hey have you noticed anything strange with Ei?" I ask Izuku. "Mmm not really but there is the big essay due so he could be worried about that" Izu said while opening his planner up to show me. "Yeah I guess that could be it."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2020 ⏰

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