Eijirou/Shoto's Thoughts

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Eijirou's Thoughts 

"Sure" Was all Shoto said to me before turning to Momo and continuing their conversation. It was such a simple word but man did it make my heart flutter a tiny bit. Oh shoot I got to go meet Hanta and Toru before lunch is over. I quickly run back to the front of the school. Okay so I have Shoto on board with hanging out tomorrow now I just need to get Katsuki and Izuku to agree as well. I'll just ask them next class. 

"Did you finish everything you needed to do?" Hanta said while twirling his keys on his finger. 

"Yep!" I wrapped my arms around my friend's shoulders. "Now lets go get some food I am practically starving away here!" 

Time Skip (Next class)

We barely made it back to school in time to make it to English class with Mr. Yamada. The bell rang right as I sat in my seat. 

"How's everyone doing on their essays?" Mr. Yamada said while smiling. "I hope no one forgets your essay is due next Monday and is worth 20% of your grade this semester." I cringe slightly because I have only written a page and a half of the essay and its supposed to have at least eight. I still have a couple days to work on it. I'll be fine. I try to convince myself as Mr. Yamada begins the days lesson on how to write an effective essay.  I didn't have time to ask them before class I'll just have to ask afterwards. Hopefully this class will go by quickly. 

Shoto's Thoughts

Today is going to be a long day. I could tell the moment I woke up this morning and my family was already having an argument downstairs. Honestly it was probably over something stupid and then escalated quickly. Like always. I cannot WAIT until I turn 18 because I am leaving here. I slowly got out of bed and started to get dressed for the day. I didn't really want to head downstairs quickly. I took my sweet time until I had to go down. I heard a slight knock on my door. 

"Hey are you ready yet? I need to drop you off today because I need the car tonight." I heard my sisters voice say through the door. "Yeah I'll be out in a minute." I say to her. I button the last button on my shirt and open the door. "Alright lets go." I walk past her to the garage avoiding the kitchen. I will have to buy something for lunch today because I am not going to go in there and deal with the rest of my family. Fuyumi walked over and opened the door and started the car. The car ride was quiet because we had nothing to talk about. 

"Bye. You're going to have to find a way home tonight because I have the late shift at work again tonight." Fuyumi said before rolling up the window and driving away. Again. I have to find a ride again. I should really invest in getting a scooter or something.  I walked up the entrance to the school where I saw Momo, Pony and Kyoka talking near the entryway sightly blocking my way. I really didn't want to ask them to move. I'll just stand here and wait and see if they notice me waiting to go in. I stood in silence just out of earshot because I didn't want them to think I was eavesdropping on whatever conversation they were having. I stood there for a couple of minutes before Mina came walking up from behind me. 

"Hey guys! You're kinda in the walkway I need to get past." Mina said as she walked up to the group. "Oh no you're right! How are people supposed to head to class if they cant get in!" Momo said as she pulled the other girls over to the side away from the doors. "We just got so involved in our conversation I forgot where we were standing."

 I silently thanked Mina as I slipped into the school. I headed straight to my first class which was History with Mr. Aizawa. I took out my notebook from my backpack and a pencil and waited for class to start.

(Lunch Time)

I walked over to my usual place. The old Gym. I liked eating my lunch here because it is always empty and I can do whatever I want to without having to worry about someone walking in. I also like the silence of the whole place. I pushed open the door and sat down. I went to pull out my lunch when I realized I forgot I was supposed to get something here. Dang. I have to go interact with people. I stood up again and started to leave when Momo and Kyoka walked in. 

"Shoto! We were looking for you! We were thinking of having a party next week to celebrate making it this far in high school and not going clinically insane. We were wondering if you had any ideas of what we should do at the party. We figured we should get everyone's opinions on the matter before making any solid plans. And we brought food." Kyoka said as she handed me a paper bag. I raised my eyebrow at her as I opened the bag to see a sandwich wrapped in plastic, a bag of veggies, a small packet of ranch, a milk container, and a bag of Cheetos. 

"Thanks you just saved me a trip to the cafeteria. Now I think we should have a Wii or other gaming console with a bunch of games because I feel like that's something we all can agree will be fun to do. And we should have a buffet with a bunch of different foods because some people are allergic to some foods. I'd ask Rikido to help because he's really into cooking." I took out the sandwich and started unwrapping it. Because they were talking to me directly I felt comfortable enough to give full sentences. 

"You sure know a lot about our grade even though you dont act like it." Momo said as she started opening her own bag. 

"I just notice things." I say shrugging. "Its not that amazing."

The to the gym opens abruptly as Momo starts to explain where it is going to be. There is standing Eijirou. I'd never admit this out loud but he is one of the handsomest boys in our grade, Katsuki and Izuku being close runner ups.He looks slightly startled that I was talking to Momo and Kyoka. I don't think he noticed me see him walk in as he started to leave.

"Did you need something?" I ask before he completely leaves. He turns a slight shade of pink before he mumbles something. All I could hear was "hang out, Izuku, Katsuki, and tomorrow." HE wants to hang out with Izuku, Katsuki, and I??? Tomorrow???? OH gosh oh gosh.  I freaked out internally but I had to give him an answer before he left. 

"Okay." I said with a slight smile. He looked so happy as he left.

Eijirou Thoughts

Will this class ever end? ITs seems to have taken forever! Finally the bell rings to end class I get ready to go and ask Izuku and Katsuki when Mr. Yamada calls my name. 

"Eijiro could you come and talk to me?" Dangit I was so CLOSE!

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