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Jennie Kim has given up on living. She's tired of living her life but at the same time she wanted to live. Not a life like hers but a normal life, like any other normal kid.

Not living in a controlled life but a free life. Where she could do what she want to and no one will batted an eye because she's just another teen who's living her life to the fullest or life where she could be alone and enjoy all the time by herself and with the nature.

Jennie Kim wanted to be normal. Makes friends, go out with them, laughing, smiling freely, be social, and so many thing that she couldn't. It would be a lie to say she's not hurt when people say things about her but she can't show it. She has always been taught to never make friends with these 'filthy rats' as her father refers them.

She hated the silence. Even when she's surrounded by people, the silence in her mind make her go crazy.

"Don't associate with them, they're worthless."

"Remember, no talking to anyone. I got eyes on you."

"Friends? You don't need one. They are distraction."

And so these words imprinted in her mind. "Watch out, I'm always watching you." These words makes Jennie Kim so afraid even years has passed since then but the memories of the event behind these words are unforgettable and will forever be taunting her.

"Oh shoot! Here's come the weird girl," a boy.

"Yesterday I tried to ask her for a question because I can't understand and she didn't even glance at me," her classmate, a girl.

"I've always wondered why she became like that," another boy.

"Maybe she's just a typical, arrogant, rich kid," another girl.

Jennie Kim stopped walking. The kids suddenly got spooked and scattered away from her. She usually don't do anything but suddenly her feet just stopped on it's own and before she realized, she's the only one left in the hall. Her feet picked up the same pace once again.

'It's time to go home,' Jennie Kim reminded herself.

The black SUV that was parked outside the gate was waiting for her just like any other day. The chauffeur opened the door for Jennie Kim, closed it and took a seat in the driver seat and heads home.


Maybe not heading home. Just heading to a cage. Yes, a cage for Jennie Kim.

The most worst place in earth for Jennie Kim is her own house. Maybe prison is better than this because prison is a place where the guilty ones receive punishment while this house is a place built only to punish her and her only. Even if she's done nothing wrong. Took one wrong way in the house, and she'll get the price.

It's not home sweet home for Jennie Kim, it's hell sweet hell.

- yein ♡

The silence ⤱ Jennie KimWhere stories live. Discover now