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"Miss, your father want you to be in your room right away," the same words again. As if these people never get tired repeating the same words over and over again. But nevertheless, Jenny Kim obeyed as she had no position to say anything.

Remember, one wrong move, and she'll pay the price.

Jenny Kim nodded and head to her room. Then she can hear shouts from the room far to her left. She hoped she had done nothing to make her father mad. As the shouts died down, Jenny Kim continued to finish her homework. Then someone knock on the door.

"Come in," she said.

"Jenny...," a voice she has been missing for so long was calling out for her.

Jenny Kim turned around and saw her mother. She ran and hugged her tightly. "I miss you mom," she choked out.

Her mom placed a kiss on top of her crown. "I know sweetheart, I miss you too." Then they stayed in silence. Neither of them are letting go.

"Jenny, I have to go now... Please, please do your best to live. Please don't end up like me. And please remember that I'll always love you and I'm always be here with you," she shed a tear.

"No mom, don't go! Mom, take me with you... please...," Jenny Kim sobbed.

From distance, Jenny Kim can hear someone's calling her. And it's getting closer.

"Miss wake up!" the maid whispered-shouted. Jenny Kim opened her eyes. "Miss, wake up before your father comes in," she said one more time. 'So it was just a dream..' and she mutters small 'thank you' to the maid. The maid excuse herself and once again Jenny Kim is left alone in her plain white room.

The picture in front of her was taken before the crash happened. Before everything went downhill. But even before that, her life is always been like this but before was fine because they had her mother to keep her father sane and stopped him when he has went too far in disciplining Jenny Kim. 

Jenny Kim could still remember when she was six and before the belt could come in contact with her skin, her mom shielded her. Everyone who saw that gasped and she can only give a small but lovingly smile to Jenny Kim before passing out. Jenny cried and her father regretted it.

He swore then that he'll stop with strict disciplining Jenny Kim but after the crash, everyone just went insane and so her father broke what he swore. He broke his only promise to the woman who he adore the most. He disappoint her but she's not here anymore.

With what has been keeping her father sanity in place all these years gone, the humanity within him slowly fades away. By the mark one year of her mother death, her father has left no humanity inside him at all. Even for the only child he has.

Jenny Kim shed a tear.

- yein ♡

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2020 ⏰

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