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Jennie Kim. It's a familiar name for everyone in their school. The only heir to the richest man in town and the most quiet kid too. People had mixed opinions on her. Some people say that she's weird and crazy, some said she's just arrogant but some also said that she's not allowed to associate herself with them under reasons they can't nor won't understand.

There's one thing for sure and that is Jennie Kim does not have any friends or talk to anyone except to the teacher and that's when it's very important. Jennie Kim never cared about what people has to say about her, she never did. Or at least she tried not to. To them, these people are nuisance and full of filth and she cannot stained herself by associating with them.

But that is only because they taught her to think that way. By they, it refers to the Kim family. By being in the richest family help her a lot and people became afraid of the power they held so they became distant to her and her family. They were afraid to be in their bad side because they know that her family would do anything to maintain their reputation even if that means they'll have to get their hands dirty.

No one ever knew what's going on in her life nor anyone ever questioned it. They think that Jennie Kim is a stuck up kid from a stuck up family who think they are better than everyone else.

What they don't know that she's actually not. They don't know how much she wanted to have friends. They don't know the burden she carry. They don't know a single thing about her as they claimed to know.

Jennie Kim is not a girl who thinks they're better than everyone else because they were born into rich family nor she thinks money can solve everything.

Jennie Kim is a girl who has been abused, physically, mentally and emotionally by her own family. She has been taught to keep everything to herself, to never shed a tear because it'll show that she's weak, to treat poor people like dirt, to have no humanity at all.

But that is not what Jennie Kim who actually is.

Jennie Kim is a...

Jennie Kim is a...

is a...


what is a Jennie Kim actually?

- yein ♡

The silence ⤱ Jennie KimTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang