part 3: Tuesday

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As expected, we grew apart.

It started when we got a little busier than expected. I trained daily to get in the school's football team, then she also trained in gymnastics daily so she can join the cheerleading team. We hoped that we'll get closer after getting in to our preferred groups, but, unfortunately, fate was not having it.

My headphones were on full blast as I waited for my school bus to arrive. To my surprise, it was taking longer than usual, and, unfortunately, that made me witness something I didn't want to.

Coming in towards me from the other lane was no other than a familiar white convertible that I knew too well, for I have seen it multiple times in the school's parking lot before. As expected, seated inside was Mikey and his girlfriend, Rocky.

Yes, the same Rocky that I have been hopelessly in love with since 11 years ago.

Mikey was the captain of the football team. He's your typical movie jock—athletic, charming and wealthy, but he's also a nice guy. Everyone in school adored him not just because of his skills, but also because of his sportsmanship outside the field. He's always happy to give you a hand and doesn't expect anything in return.

Most high school movies would match the captain with the head cheerleader, but, in Mikey and Rocky's case, the captain was paired with the most beautiful member of the cheerleading team. Since she got in the cheerleading team a term before I made the football team, she was able to meet and get close to Mikey, who swept her off her feet.

It also didn't help that our interests were also growing apart. Rocky wanted to focus on her cheerleading stint to get a scholarship, while I wanted to focus on my studies so I can get inside a good business school. Our conflicting schedules eventually led us to the downfall of our friendship, and we haven't talked since. We would pass by each other at the corridors, but we never spoke a word to each other.

When lunch time came, I sat with my football buddies, Leon, Frederick and Sebastian. Lunch tables in our canteen only sat four people maximum, so the entire team was spread out. From where I was sitting, however, I got a clear view of Mikey and Rocky, who sat next to each other.

"Will you just let go of her, Esso? She's out of your league and she's happy with someone else. It's time to move on," Leon told me, then I turned towards him.

"Who're you talking about?" I asked him, then he sniggered as he looked at where I was looking a while ago.

"Miss Rocky Tamara. You two were so close before. What happened?" Leon asked me, then I shook my head.

"We just drifted apart. That's it," I said, then I took a bite out of the burger as I listened to Fred and Seb bicker about which portable gaming console is better.

"You do know about the pact, right?" Leon asked me, then I sighed.

The pact was, since members of the football team were as close-knit as family, that also meant that every member's significant other is off-limits, even after their relationship has ended. Technically, since Mikey is dating Rocky, I can never be in a relationship with her.

"Of course," I said, then Leon sighed.

"Are you mad at Mikey?" Leon asked, then I shook my head.

"Look, if Rocky's happy with Mikey, who am I to get in the middle of their relationship? I'm just the guy who likes her, period," I said, then I peered over at them as they shared a kiss. It was nothing but a peck, but it still hurt like a bullet through my soul.

When the afternoon came, we had a friendly game in the field to train ourselves for the final battle next month. While we were playing, the cheerleaders were working on their routine, making me distracted as hell as I tried not to look at Rocky.

Leon broke his ankle on our last game, so he can't join us, but he can watch and say where we need to improve on, which we need since our coach was nowhere to be found. I was scared that he might take it to his advantage to tease and tell me to stop looking at Rocky.

On instinct, I defensively ran near the ball, making sure that I'm clear so that I can kick the ball all the way to the goal. When Mikey spotted me, he kicked the ball to me, then I competitively kicked it all the way to the goal, earning us a point.

"That's what I'm talking about, Esso!" Leon yelled, then I smiled at him as I ran a hand through my sweaty hair. I looked around and saw that Rocky was just standing there and looking at me. The smile on my face started to fade, then I went back to the field and continued to play.

When the game was over, we all greeted each other and said that it was a good game. I grabbed my things so I can put them back in my locker and take a shower. While I was heading towards the locker room, I saw Mikey and Rocky talking with some members of the cheerleading squad, then I watched them as they walked away hand in hand, sharing a brief kiss before he headed towards the same direction as I was. I walked faster so it won't be obvious that I'm watching them, then I quickly opened my locker. Truly enough, Mikey was walking towards my locker, which made me a little nervous.

"Brad! Can I have a word with you?" Mikey asked me, then I nodded my head. He leaned against the row of lockers beside him as I put my things inside my locker.

"So, in celebration of our success, Andi's hosting a party at her parents' place, well, tomorrow, because they'll be going out of town for the long weekend. Good news is, we're all invited," Mikey said, then I smiled at him. The school cancelled classes on Thursday and Friday for some maintenance checks, making it possible for us to have a party on a Wednesday night.

"Thank you. I'll be there," I replied, then he sighed.

"Yeah, that's actually kind of the problem. Since Leon's ankle is broken, he obviously can't be one of our designated drivers," Mikey said, then I hummed in reply, remembering how my friend fractured his ankle in the field.

"However, I did find out that you already have your licence, so, congratulations for that, and is it possible if you..." Mikey trailed off, then I closed my locker door.

"Take Leon, Fred and Seb to the party? I'm not sure if my dad will allow me to borrow his car," I replied, making Mikey smile.

"It's okay. If he doesn't, you can borrow mine. I was planning to get drunk, anyway, so I won't be using it," Mikey tried to convince me, but I immediately thought of Rocky.

"How about your girlfriend? Isn't she going? You're not going to pick her up and make sure she'll come home safe?" I asked, then Mikey smiled at me.

"Don't worry, Brad. Rocky's riding with her fellow cheerleaders. I already told her what my plans were, and we decided to arrange things. She's in good hands," Mikey assured me, then I nodded my head.

"I know that she's your friend, Brad. And I'm glad that you still look out for her. That's true friendship right there," Mikey added, then I shrugged.

"Thank you. I'll ask my dad tonight if he'll be okay with me borrowing his car," I said, then Mikey immediately thanked me. I can never say no to that guy; he's a good friend of mine.

He just happened to be the one who captured my beloved's heart.

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