part 5: Thursday

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In just a glimpse, adulthood was knocking on our doors, attempting to change our lives forever.

After working hard for how many years, I got the future that I wanted for myself. I was able to get good grades and I was accepted to the university that I wanted to go to.

There was only one thing left for me to do before I leave adolescence entirely, and that is to admit my feelings for Rocky.

She and Mikey mutually broke up one month ago, when they agreed to focus on their own, drifting paths instead of trying to make their relationship work. The pact was still on for me, of course, but all I wanted was to be honest to Rocky, because that's what matters to me.

The plan was for me to wait for her to arrive so she can get her results, then we both walk home together so that I can honestly tell her everything that I'm feeling. However, when her friends arrived without her, I knew I was screwed. I gathered my courage up and walked over to them.

"Hello, has any one of you seen Rocky? I wanted to talk to her," I asked, then they shrugged their shoulders.

"She's feeling under the weather. She didn't want us to get her results for her, though," one of her friends said, then I thanked them and quickly walked away. When I was out of my school, I skated all the way to the store to buy something for Rocky, then I immediately went straight to her house and knocked, making her mum open the door.

"Good afternoon, Melanie. Is Rocky in? It's results day today and I was just wondering if she'll get hers anytime soon," I asked her mother, who sighed and tilted her head to the side.

"She's in her room, but, I'm afraid she doesn't want to talk to anybody, Brad. I'm sorry," she replied, then I gave her a confused look.

Rocky was not the type of person who'd push anyone away. At least not her family, anyway.

"Why? What happened to her?" I asked, but she shook her head.

"I'm not in the right place to say, Brad. She has been ignoring us all day," her mother replied, then I took a deep breath.

"I need to speak with her. Please. I want to know personally if she's okay," I insisted, then her mum sighed with hope. She knew that, out of all people, I was the only one who can talk to her.

"I have her favourite ice cream," I added, making her completely give up and let me enter their house. Together, we went upstairs to her room, where her mum knocked frantically on her door.

"Rocky? Brad's here to see you," her mum sweetly said.

"Go away," Rocky said, then her mum looked at me and shrugged.

"He has ice cream," her mum added, and before we knew it, the door opened, then she quickly pulled me in and closed the door behind me. I looked at her in confusion, then she grabbed the ice cream tub from me, along with the spoon I brought for her.

"That was...weird," I said, then she gave me a small chuckle as she sat on her bed, taking a whole scoop of mint chocolate chip and putting it all in her mouth. I stood there awkwardly with my hands on my hips, waiting patiently for her to finish her ice cream.

"How are you?" I asked, then she shook her head before standing up from her bed.

"Brad, I'm fine. Please, just go away," Rocky told me as she tried to push me away, but I stood my ground and held her gently to stop her from pushing me away.

"But you're not fine, Rocky. Please, talk to me."

"You don't understand, Brad."

"But I'll try. I'll listen to you if that's what you want."

"Brad, seriously, you have to go now."

"Rocky, please don't push me away."

"Why can't you just get out of here?" Rocky spat, then I decided to return the tone.

"Why can't you just tell me what is wrong?" I exclaimed, then Rocky tried to push me to the door. I resisted, however, and held her tightly as she tried to push me. She kept slapping my body away, but I didn't dare raise my temper.

"Just please tell me what is wrong, then I'll be on my way," I told her, then she grew tired of slapping me, giving up since she knew that I was far stronger than her.

"I'm pregnant with Mikey's child," Rocky said, with hot tears coming out from her eyes, then my grip on her loosened. This allowed her to push my hands away from her then turn around to her window, with tiny sobs coming out of her throat.

"Since when?" I asked, then she cleared her throat.

"Two months ago. I just found out yesterday," Rocky said, then I sighed.

"Does Mikey know?" I asked, then she stopped at her bay window and sat down, gesturing me to sit beside her.

"I told him last night. He was so shocked, Brad. All he said was that he wasn't ready to be a father. He already planned this entire future in front of him, and he can't just throw all of that away," she told me, the pain and bitterness evident in her voice, then I sighed.

"But you have dreams, too. You were going to be this lawyer slash ballerina, remember? What about your future? You can't just throw all of that away!" I said, then Rocky bit her lip and held my hand, which immediately calmed me down.

"Brad, can't you see? It's the exact same reason why I don't want to get my results. I have to decide on my future now, and I'm not given enough time to think. Sure, I had all those plans, but what if those plans weren't meant for me? What if this was the plan all along?" Rocky asked me, then I sighed.

"What will your parents think?" I asked, then she sighed.

"I can't turn back time, you know. They have to accept it whether they like it or not," Rocky said with tears in her eyes, then I pulled her in for a hug. She hugged me back tightly, then I started to rub her back to soothe her.

"I'm scared, Brad. I don't know what to do," she admitted, then I sighed. Obviously, the situation was completely new to the both of us, so I had no idea what to say.

"I could just give her up for adoption and continue with my life, but I don't want to give her up; I want her and I'll be ready to raise her as my own. I could also have an abortion now and pretend that this didn't happen, but what if this will be the only chance that I'll get pregnant and have kids?" She said after pulling away from our hug, then I smiled at her words.

"So, you think she's a girl, huh?" I said, then she chuckled a little. She brushed a hand over her belly, then she sighed as she closed her eyes.

"She's going to be a beautiful lady. She's going to have my eyes and Mikey's brunette hair. She's going to be very kind-hearted, especially to her siblings, and although she doesn't get the best grades, she's wise and mature beyond her years. She'll make me so, so proud," she said with a genuine smile on her face, and I knew from that moment that she was going to keep the baby.

I'm proud of her for making that difficult choice herself.

"Can I be the godfather?" I asked her, then she opened her eyes and nodded her head. I silently thanked her, then I pulled her close to me and kissed her forehead lightly to help her feel at ease.

It's Just Not Meant To Be || Brad Simpson (The Vamps) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now