part 6: Friday

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I wonder what was the last image my dad thought of when he slowly drifted off to an eternal sleep.

When I got the call that morning, I decided to skip all of my classes that day after seeing that I wasn't going to miss anything important. My girlfriend, Gigi, did the same, then we both went to my hometown. Once we arrived at my house, I met with my sister, who was dealing with all the paperwork, then Gigi and I decided to help out in the house to lessen the stress my sister was feeling.

Later that day, the funeral home contacted my sister and said that everything was set. She and Gigi went ahead while I stayed for a while, seeing that I was tasked to contact more people through the phone to inform them about my father's passing.

When I was done with all calls, I heard someone knocking on the door. After opening it, I saw Rocky standing outside with her daughter.

"Rocky?" I asked, then she nodded her head and pulled me in for a hug, which I returned. Slowly, tears started to fall down from my eyes as I realised that there's no need for me to keep them to myself anymore.

"I'm so sorry for your loss, Brad."

"Me too. I know how close you two were," I said, then we pulled away. I looked at Angel and saw that she wanted a hug, so I went down on my knees and let her do so.

"It's nice to see you, sweet pea," I told Angel, who I carried with my arms as she clung on to my neck, just like every time we would see each other. She gets heavier every year, though, so we have to stop it eventually.

"Can we see him, Uncle Brad?" Angel asked me, then I sighed as I looked at her mum.

"I was actually just about to go to the funeral home. Maybe you'd like to come with me? I could use some company," I invited them, then they agreed.

While we were on our way, Angel fell asleep at the back, then Rocky cleared her throat beside me.

"If it makes you feel any better, I'm the one who found him and called the paramedics," Rocky said, then I glanced at her before turning back to the road.

"What were you doing in the house?"

"Angel and I saw that he didn't bring today's paper in. We grabbed our key to your house, then we went upstairs to give him the paper, but he wasn't waking up," she said, then I frowned as I fixed my glasses a little.

"Thank you. And I'm sorry. It's my fault," I said, then she turned to me.

"How is it your fault?"

"I told him that I wasn't going to be home for the holidays again. My job's getting more demanding, and I still have to get my master's degree on top of that. We had a little argument about that a few nights before. I kept apologising over the phone, but the poor man must be stressed about it," I said, then Rocky sighed beside me.

"Is that why he invited me for tea one night? When he badly needed company?"

"What?" I asked, confused, then she smiled half-heartedly.

"He couldn't stop gushing about you, Brad. He was so proud of you and everything you've done. He believed that he raised you well. If you've done something that made him upset, he's probably forgiven you over that," she said, then it started drizzling outside.

"When I was a kid, I used to hate the rain a lot. But then, my dad told me that I shouldn't, because it's how the angels cry when they're proud of their relatives on earth. And, look, your dad is very proud of you, Brad," Rocky said, making me smile sadly in my seat as I got ready to pull over at the funeral home's parking.

"Nah, he's probably just proud because I didn't scratch his car," I joked, then we woke Angel up before going inside.

We are met by my sister and my girlfriend, and I introduced them all to each other. Rocky and Angel then excused themselves so they can pay respects, then Gigi gave me a small peck on the lips. We all stayed there for a bit until the night came, then I took Gigi, Rocky and Angel home.


I looked at my phone and saw that it's 11 PM, but I couldn't sleep. I can't stop thinking about my dad, and I also can't stop thinking about Rocky. When I saw her at my door, I realised that my feelings for her never went away. If my dad were still alive, he'd probably ask why I never thought of asking Rocky out despite my feelings for her.

I carefully got out of the bed and grabbed my pack of cigarettes from my bag. I went to the terrace and started to smoke, hoping that it will even out all the intense emotions that I felt.

"You're smoking again?" Gigi asked from behind me, then I turned around and saw that she was in her night robe, leaning against the door frame with a frown formed on her face.

"Sorry. Everything was getting too overwhelming," I said almost convincingly, then she smiled and walked towards me until we were next to each other.

"It's fine. I'll give you a chance now, as long as you give me one, too," Gigi said, then I sighed as I offered her a fresh stick from my box, allowing her to use my lighter so she could take a puff. We jokingly tap our cigarettes together before taking another satisfying puff, the smoke blowing out of my mouth giving me peace and warmth.

"I saw the way you looked at her," Gigi said, and I knew that there was no point in trying to avoid this conversation.

"It's nice to finally meet her, you know. You've always wanted us to meet ever since you told me about her. But now that you've seen us both in the same room..." Gigi drifted off, then I sighed.

"Gigi, I'm so sorry. You know how I feel towards Rocky. And I thought that she no longer has that spell on me, but..." I said, not really knowing what to say after. Gigi was my girlfriend, and she had every right to feel disappointed towards me.

"I know that you love me, Brad. And that's already enough for me. Maybe seeing her made you, I don't know, confused? She's your first love. Of course you still love her, considering that you never really told her your feelings. I never wanted to top that; the love you have for me is incomparable to the love you have for her. I'm happy with what we have and what we might have in the future, even if it's just this. I'm happy that you're mine and that I'm yours right now. We don't need to be right about the future now; we just have to love each other," Gigi said, and for once, I was content. I stopped yearning for something I can never have.

The love I have for Rocky and for Gigi are different, but are both real. I've always loved Rocky, and I was confident that I'd spend the rest of my life with her, but I also learned how to love Gigi with my whole heart. They don't compare to each other, and I don't want them to. They're two completely different kinds of love.

But I only have one heart, and that's why I should decide. I should choose soon for the world won't wait for my choice; it will just keep going without my control.

"I love you, Gigi," I said, then I slowly pull her in for a kiss. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me back passionately.

It's Just Not Meant To Be || Brad Simpson (The Vamps) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now