06 | cat fight

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"Reyna, don't," Brandy whispered. I could see the pure anger in Reyna's eyes as her stare pierced through Erin's soul.  Erin stared back though, but a bit more fear was noticeable in hers.

"Just walk away before a people make a crowd," I nudged Reyna, but she didn't move.

She stayed in the same spot, continuing her stare-off with Erin. You could tell her blood was boiling. Her face was almost purple and her hands were balled into fists.

Finally, Erin broke the silence. 

"I know you wanna hit me, bitch. So do it," 

"Leave my sister alone," Reyna muttered through her gritted teeth. 

Erin smiled  an insincere smile that made me want to hit her too. But this wasn't my fight to fight. This was between Erin and Reyna. I didn't know what she was doing to Reyna's sister, but it really pissed her off.

"I'll talk as much shit as I want. Mind your own business," Erin raised an eyebrow and spun her tennis racket around in her hand.

"My sister is my business, so I suggest you shut the fuck up," Reynas voice was low and her breathing sped up. She glared at Erin, "You don't know what you're doing,"

Brandy grabbed her hand, "Reyna, let's go. It's not worth getting into trouble again," 

"No!" Reyna growled.

"Do you remember what happened last time? Let's go," Brandy grasped her hand once more and pulled her away.

Reyna stayed silent and started to walk off with Brandy and I. It was a scary, mad silent.   She kept her stare forward and her expression was stone cold. 

I thought  it was going to end there, but I'm never right.

It was a matter of seconds before Erin ran up behind Reyna, grabbed her hair, and threw her to the ground.

Brandy and I gasped, "Reyna!"

"You bitch!" She yelled as Erin got on top of her, smacking Reyna in the face. She grabbed Erins hips and bucked her small body off. I watched as they switched positions, this time Reyna on top of her. Instead of smacking her, she threw short, quick punches.

Direct punches to the face. 

I winced every time Erin was hit, knowing how bad that must have hurt. 

I'd only ever seen a fight once, and all the girls ever did was pull each others hair. But Reyna was going in. 

It felt like hours had passed by before a couple teachers came and broke them up, but it was barely 2 minutes. 

One of them grabbed Reyna by the waist and picked her up off the ground, and the other did the same to Erin.

When Erin looked up, she had blood running out of her nose. Some of it dripped onto the ground. Damn.

Reyna's cheek was red and her hair was all frizzy and out of place, breaking the sleek,  straight hair she had before.

In no time, of course, the principal was outside. 

"Ladies," He said in a stern voice as he pointed to Brandy and I, "my office. Now," 

"Yes sir," We said in unison. So many thoughts were running through my head and I couldn't really comprehend what I just saw. I'd never seen someone get the shit beat out of them before, and I especially didn't  know how angry Reyna could get.

"I knew we shouldn't have went outside," Brandy shook her head as we walked in front of the school.

"Is that like, a normal thing that happens?" I asked her, my mind still boggled.

Somebody I Used to KnowTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon