10 | good-bye carson

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Whoever said you could only have one best friend is clearly incorrect.  In fact, having two is better than just one. You can get two different pieces of advice, two different viewpoints, and two different opinions. 

And better than that, you have not only one, but two people who you know will always be there for you.

Maybe that's why I'm so grateful to have both Reyna and Brandy. They're two different people and it's just the right balance I need in life.

"Sooo," Brandy gave me a cheeky grin as the three of us sat in Reynas room, "You hung out with him at the park, didn't you?"

"Not like that," I said, wrapping myself up in one of the blankets Reyna and I bought. 

"I mean, if you say so," Brandy shrugged, staring at Reyna, who was rummaging through one of her drawers. 

"What're you looking for?" I asked her.

Brandy and I watched as she frantically searched, throwing socks and underwear out of the drawer. Whatever she was looking for must be important.

She put her hands against her temples, "My phone, my phone, my phone! Where did I put it?" 

"Is it that big of a deal?" Brandy quickly glanced at me and then back at Reyna.

She ignored Brandy, bending down and taking a look under her bed.

"Yes! Found it!" She came out from underneath it and started speedily typing.

I whispered to Brandy, "What's that all about?"

"Like I know," 

The both of us waited on Reyna to get done with whatever she was doing. This was pretty unlike her, to freak out about misplacing her phone and then not answering us. She was usually very present. 

She slid her phone in the pocket of her shorts then continued like nothing happened.

She smiled, "Let's go get our snacks," 

Brandy and I shot a look at eachother, shrugged it off, then followed Reyna downstairs to the kitchen.  She opened the pantry door, grabbed the snacks, then set them on the island. 

"Grab what you want and whatever you want to drink from the fridge. I'll go set up the movie in the basement," Reyna gave us the go-ahead then disappeared down to her basement.

Brandy waited until she left the room, "She's acting strange,"  

"You think?" I questioned while grabbing a bottle of water.

"Definitely. She's never freaked like that about her phone before," 

"What do you think is wrong?"

She pulled a barstool over and hopped up onto it, "My first thought is Carson,"


That was a new name.

Brandy nodded, "Yeah, her boyfriend. You know, the one who's in college and parties like, 24/7,"


 I knew he was in college, I remember her telling me that on our way to Target the first time we hung out. She really seemed to like him.

"You have no idea," She scoffed, "He's a really nice kid and all... but has a serious party addiction,"

I tilted my head, "And she doesn't mind?"

"I mean, kind of. I think she makes her relationship seem better than it actually is," She sounded sincere and I could tell she was a little concerned about it. Reyna's always been a very level headed person, I would hate to see her in a situation she doesn't want to be in.

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