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I know I updated two days ago and I wasn't supposed to update for another 4/5 days but its pride month baby!!! 🌈 so as a gift I decided to update a new chapter... I hope you like it... ❤  Happy Pride month... Every day the strength of the LGBT+ community inspires me... Fighting for love, that's the most beautiful thing in the world... Cheers to pride...  🌈

Dedicated to every LGBT+ person, the LGBT+ community that came before me, the pioneers who fought for our rights at the forefront, to the people who made it possible for a teenage girl like me talk and write about LGBT+ matters so freely, thank you. ❤

About time

One month later somewhere in Palm Springs, California

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One month later somewhere in Palm Springs, California.

"Is this room service?" I finished blow drying my wet hair.

" Yes, how may I help you?" The voice on the cordless telephone answered.

"Can I get an avocado toast and a black coffee, please? " I readjusted the lights in the hotel bathroom.

" Room service, yes, to room number 128," I applied my acne medication on my face. My acne was getting worse, maybe because of my terrible anxiety or my caffeine loaded diet. I don't know why I still had acne, I was hardly a teenager. My phone started buzzing on the marbled bathroom countertop.

" Yuh sure, thank you," putting down the hotel telephone.

" Where are you?" Picking up the call on my mobile, I questioned straight away hearing the noise in the background.

" We all went out to get breakfast,"  Tony answered. I could hear Ji yoo and Emma bickering in the background.

" But where?" I got out of the bathroom and threw on a t-shirt and running shorts.

"Hey! Yoo! " Sam heard Tony complain.

" You were sleeping like a log we didn't want to wake you up..., " Ji Yoo's voice could be heard over the phone.

" I'll come down where y'all at?" I took my key card and wallet and left my room.

"The pool? Wait for me," I  locked my hotel suite and walked towards the elevator.

I got inside the elevator and pressed the ground floor button. The clock on my phone read 2: 48 pm, I clicked my phone shut and slipped it into my pocket. I should seriously get my shit together and fix my sleep schedule.

I fixed my hair in the reflective walls of the elevator. The door dinged open and I started walking towards the pool. 

The pool wasn't crowded but I couldn't spot my friends so I took out my phone and started texting Ji Yoo asking about their whereabouts.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jul 13, 2020 ⏰

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