Chapter Three

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Althea's brows were furrowed and her mouth set in a tight, grim line as she strode through the ward. The blood of the chimera still stained her clothing, making it stiffer and difficult to more comfortably. Her scythes clanked against one another, but the sounds hardly registered against the chorus of coughs and moans and the bustle of healers darting about the room. She could see her oldest sister standing at the other end of the ward, her face twisted and contorted in worry while she spoke with a mage in a hushed voice.

"Adela," Althea breathed as she reached them and came to a stop. "How many more dead?"

"Twenty-three," Adela replied, her face pale. "Cecilia didn't make it."

Althea's chest wrenched. Cecilia had practically raised the three Angevin sisters. While they had a mother, the duties of her queenship had often meant lots of time away from her brood. It was a heavy blow, but Althea stood straight. She could see tear lines on Adela's cheeks. As the oldest and first in line for the throne, it was improper that she show emotion as strongly as she often did, but Althea recognized that this was a special consideration. There was so much despair already in the ward, she didn't expect anyone to bother her about it. But Althea herself knew she had to remain steadfast and strong, for her sister's sake.

"Where's Arabella?"

Adela nodded in the direction of the ceiling.

"She's meeting with the council. Father insisted one of us go, and you were..." She trailed off, her eyes scanning Althea's state of dress as though she hadn't noticed it before. She scowled. "What have you been doing, sister? Good heavens. You must go change your clothing at once! You'll frighten the patients. They're hopeless enough without seeing their princess looking like she just lost a fight."

"I'm fine, thanks for asking," Althea bit back. "And I didn't lose."

"You've got to stop doing this."

"Doing what?"

Adela rolled her eyes and made a sweeping gesture.


"It's my job to protect the city."

Adela grabbed her sister by the wrist and pulled her aside.

"Listen to me Thea," she whispered, her eyes dark. "The last thing Escadus needs is for you to get killed. Mom and Dad have enough on their plate without worrying about you waltzing around the castle looking like some outlander barbarian and making people think we're in some kind of war."

"We are at war!" Althea cried, flinging up her arms for effect. "This mess is not natural. These people are being targeted, Adela. Someone or something is targeting the magic carriers."

Here, Adela looked suddenly more somber. Their eyes met.

"It's not just the carriers anymore. It's the Links too."

Althea frowned.

"Are you sure?"

Her sister nodded.

"First and second forms only, so far. But we're watching one case in particular. He's at the end of the ward, number 79. He's a third form Link and seems to be exhibiting symptoms."

"Still no idea how it's spreading?" Althea inquired, trying to ignore the faint twist of anxiety that crossed her gut. She herself was a third form Link, and she was almost certain that was why Adela had brought it up to her. She was worried about Althea.

Adela shook her head.

"Nothing we can confirm as of yet. There is some speculation that the people who are infected are all people who have used magic within the last few days. So there may be a connection there. That's what the council is discussing. They're talking about banning the use of magic. Arabella will fill us both in once they're done."

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