Chapter Thirteen

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Several hours later, the queen's words still rang in Althea's ears. Actually—virtually everything the woman had spoken of that day had been repeating within the princess' mind. Queen Morgan didn't seem to be much of a talker, but when she had something to say, it stayed with the ones who listened.

Althea was seated with Hazel and Ximena, the trio collected around the small fire Hazel had started by hand just a short time ago. There was no moon that night, but millions of stars twinkled overhead in intricate patterns and amongst colorful clouds of the galaxies and nebulas above. Queen Morgan was notably absent from the group, and when Althea's eyes finally found the shadow of the woman in the darkness, they narrowed.

"What's she doing out there?" the princess asked the jaguar, who followed her gaze to the queen. "And what's taking so long?" She chose not to elaborate on the why of her question, instead rubbing her temple absentmindedly. Evidently the queen was too far away from Althea. Her migraine was starting to return.

"She is placing wards," Ximena responded, simple and straightforward. "It can take some time, and her magic is likely weakened as a result of the...medication."

Althea realized that the jaguar had almost slipped up and outed to Hazel that the queen was ingesting basilisk venom as well. A part of her wondered why either of them cared, but then, she reasoned it could lead to questions about the bond. Questions Queen Morgan had made very clear she did not want Hazel asking.

"She's the most powerful entity in the western hemisphere," Hazel chimed in, her eyes suspicious as she held her open hands out over the fire to warm them. "What could she possibly be afraid of?"

And why is the notion of Reema Morgan being afraid of something so disconcerting? Althea thought to herself as Ximena began to speak again.

"Possessing great power does not exempt an individual from defeat," the jaguar said with a deepening frown. "And with three others' lives also at risk, I suspect the queen is merely taking extra precautions lest either of you are injured while in her care. It would not leave the best impression in your Royals' eyes were she to deliver you maimed, dying or dead."

"As though starting the plague didn't already threaten to do that," muttered the redhead. The jaguar flattened her ears and hissed.

"My queen did not start this plague of yours."

"Maybe not, but she did start the one forty years ago."

"And with what evidence do you make such an accusation?" Ximena snapped, her thick tail slashing back and forth in the sand.

"Why else would so many people over the years tell the same tale if it were not the truth?"

"The words of uneducated storytellers can hardly be considered proof of guilt, woman."

Althea sighed, deciding it would be best to bring this argument to a close before Ximena and Hazel saw fit to put an end to their disagreement through violence.

"We were also told she is a cold blooded murderer, Hazel, and as you mentioned earlier, she hasn't killed us yet." As Hazel looked at the princess, seeming somewhat incredulous at her defense, Althea averted her gaze. Even as she said the words, the image of Queen Morgan snapping the neck of the naked man flickered behind her eyes. A part of her wondered just how much their supposed Mirror Bond had to do with the Queen's reasoning for not killing them.
Was that why she wanted to put an end to it? So she could do away with them after all?

But then, hadn't there been a few Escadian historians who had claimed the Queen of Nirole was immortal? If that was true, why would the mirror bond even matter?

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