Chapter 2

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Ok now that we all know how our first week went let's go onto week 2. 

Week 2 was probably the worst. Our teachers at school struggle controlling us in a contained classroom. let alone WHEN WE ALL BE IN DIFFERENT HOUSES. Half the kids didn't show. They probably learnt more than the kids that did. The teachers took over 30 minutes to respond to a simple question sometimes they would take an hour to email us instructions on what to do for the lesson. So in all online school induced another week of the stages.  In the end we got holidays. FINALLY! BUT THEN, our bloody english teacher FORGOT TO ASSIGN A VERY IMPORTANT EXAM AFFECTING ESSAY! So we get back to school and then well our english teacher said that ALL THE OTHER CLASSES got the CORRECT amount of time to do it and we had a week. WITH 15 OTHER ESSAYS AND ASSESSMENTS GOING ON. So we're sitting there doing our essay and the teacher DECIDES TO ALSO MENTION WE HAVE ANOTHER ASSESSMENT. So yay stages are back my friends. That was only Monday. 

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