Chapter 3

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Ok. Hi it's me again. This has gotten out of control. Half of us are at home and the other well we're at school. My parents are both front liners (For the uneducated lot of you that means nurses or doctors or any important service) so I was dumped at school with the other 75 kids. Only 6 of them are my grade. I'm ready to PURPOSELY break someone's arm with my freakin laptop. I swear to god if we don't get SOME kind of response about bloody exams I'm going to kill someone. It's been a month since the 'principal' said we'd get some kind of info. WELL, that DIED IN HELL ALONG WITH MY WILL TO LIVE ANY LONGER. So, now that, that's out I'll give you the run down of week 3 in 'Isolation/online school'. So our fabulous English teacher that gave us an assessment 2 weeks late has decided to try and make it up to us with "helping" us with it. By that she is constantly sending emails or Dm's about how she can help or some absolutely useless information that has nothing to do with the topic we're doing. So the only one helping my ass.... Is me. Every English lesson along with another assessment we're supposed to be doing to help us prepare for exams I've been researching and typing and scrolling my head out. Luckily I had it JUST ready to hand in on the "Due Date". But anyways now every night for at least 3 hours. I'm studying. Studying. Studying. Oh and some more studying. Yay. Somebody save me. My parents have been coming home late every night so I've had to baby sit my younger sisters. Yep. 2 younger sisters. Sh**. These 2 have been nightmares. I've been cooking whatever the hell is in the fridge and the 2 little gremlins have been refusing to eat it UNLESS it's smothered in Ketchup. We've been through like 17 bottles in one week. They will only eat something if it has ketchup. EVEN ICE – CREAM. So hoo. *Deep breathing as writing this as it's going to kill me* I've only had like 10 minutes everyday to write in my journal so I've been typing like a serial killers bout' to get me. My bestie Jessica's kind of ENJOYING iso. I don't know how and I don't think I want to. Ok see you guys next week wasn't the best let's just hope next week has a few more good things......................

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