6 years

97 4 4

It had been three whole years with out anything going wrong and stiles was pregnant again 2 months, stiles watch there son run around with Judith after a year old stiles could see their son look more like Daryl every time he age or grew.

Stiles watch as they played with the cats. a year ago a female pregnant cat showed up in their prison and the Beth took It upon her self to tame it again. so after it had her litter of kits it never left and then those kits were old enough they either left or stayed.

Rick said the could trade a few of the kitten's to Alexandria for anything the group wanted... Alexandria had grown a rat problem and Deanna was trying to get rid of them....

stiles turn when he heard his mate walk into the horse barn they built.

"Hey, how the trade go." stiles ask as his mate pick up their 3 year old. judith was a lot older then Ajax. Lori had gave birth to hear a few months before stiles did.

" good rick got Deanna to aloud Maggie to become a nurse in training over their. they doc and nurse would teach Maggie everything she will need to learn." daryl said as he set their son down and walk to his mate. hug stiles he place a kiss on his mates lip before asking how his omega felt about the cub that he was carrying. Stiles laugh, he  seem to always be ask that lately when they found out he was indeed pregnant....

Daryl crosses his arms over his chest with a grunt. "We're going to make a run at that military camp I told ya about. before we head out. Glenn, Maggie, Duane has some updates for the maps that he wants to run by you guys."

The couple nod and head inside and Tara goes to bring the car around to make it easier to unload. Daryl smirks and wraps one arm around Stiles's waist cautiously; watching for any sign that Stiles didn't want him to touch him. When the Omega pulls him a little closer by his belt loops, he grins. "How long do you think we'll be occupied?"

"Depends if you can get it up." Stiles raises an eyebrow.

"Don't worry Darlin'," Daryl press a quick kiss to the Omega's lips, "I'm not the one that'll need a break."

Stiles snorts and pats Daryl on the stomach before Daryl heads out to get a group together for the run. He grabs Sasha, Jacob, Leah, Michonne, and one of the new kids that seemed to be enamoured with Beth, named Zack. The Alexandia alpha, beta and Omegas and the newer group all call out greetings to the Theta and Carol smirks from where she was serving up food. They make sure to bring their guns and extra gas cans incase they run across any cars. Rick gets the gate for them, giving Daryl a stay safe and scent the others before they head out. Rick sends word to the Pack through the bond that he was going to check the snares outside the fence and for them to keep an eye on the gate. Glenn lets him out and the Alpha waits until he clears the tree line before he shifts. There were plenty of people that weren't Pack staying with them now and Rick didn't see the point in giving away the advantage of surprise he had with the size of his wolf. Should any of them get to full of themselves or try to challenge him, the look in their faces when he shifts would be worth the bloodbath that would follow.


"mommy" a small voice brought stiles to their cell to see Ajax's crying. stiles had found out that Ajax didn't like having his father on the other side of the fence, for 3 the cub was very smart, he knew the dangers beyond that fence, and once you're on the other side there a chance you won't come back.

" Ajax." stiles called out to his cub as he picks him up." your father will be fine baby he knows what he is doing."

with a nod, stiles shift and encourage their cub to do so too....

claws and fangs Book 2Where stories live. Discover now