Author's Note

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Dear reader, 

  Welcome to yet another one of my amazing books! This is, just as the title had stated, a Webtoons one-shots book! I have a ton of stray ideas for tons of Webtoons, so I decided to make this book, plus I wanted to help all those Webtoon creators out there, especially the Webtoon Canvas creators, gain more publicity!

  Anyways, its time for the fun part of my author's note. Shall we begin? 

  You are allowed to turn my comment section into a conversation group chat, I don't mind at all! Please feel free to give me constructive critism politely, thank you. I love chatting with you guys, hit me up in the private messages, it makes my days and nights. 

  Votes aren't very hard to give, so please hit the vote button whenever you like a one-shot!

  Comments are the best things ever! Don't be a silent reader show your support!

  By sharing this book and raising its popularity, you are not only publiciting me but also the creators of the Webtoons and the Webtoons itself! So, please share more!

  Also, please be kind and I won't tolerate hate comments! Just so you know, either I'll blow up at you or my faithful readers will, I'm looking at you nhukhanh1304

  Anyways, all of those aside, I'll post up the requests part where there will be the rules and regulations which also the place where you guys will have to request one-shots at! 

Hearts and hugs,

Anis the Unknown

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