Chapter 1

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In the Tower's basement,

I found an old box with Slade's stuff including his mask, I slowly picked it up with my left hand then placed my right hand on the other side of his mask as well, I sighed. I noticed there was some dust on the mask, I wiped it off with my right hand, going side to side, but when I was wiped it off, some of it, I breathed in, I coughed a little, then I put the mask back in the box but then the crime alarm went off. I quickly stood up and turned around to start running up the stairs to see what the problem was.

In the main room, I rushed over to the computer to find out who caused the alarm, "Hello, Robin." My eyes widened as I was in complete shock with the familiar voice "Slade?" I saw Slade on the screen, "Nice to see you again."

"What are you doing alive, you're supposed to be dead."

"I'm not dead, I'm still alive, but I should tell you that I planted 3 different generators, one on the side of the bridge, one in the park, and on at the pier, better find them before the time runs out, but you want to fight personally, meet me in the forest." Slade explained a lot of his plan and to fight me before he hung up. I was so determined to stop Slade myself so much, especially when I tried to get close to him as Red X.

I decided to signal the other, as they run into the main room, and start telling them that Slade is back "Slade's back? But how he was killed." Cy wondered how Slade could possibly think that Slade could be alive. "I don't know, but he told me he planted 3 generators around the city and if we don't do something fast a lot people could get killed. Cy, I want you to go to the bridge, Crow, the park, Beast Girl, the pier, Blitz Fire, we're going after Slade." I glared. 

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