Chapter 8

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Back in the medical bay,

"Looks like Slade pulled off one last trick, his mask contained a chemical reagent that infiltrated your central nervous system." Cy found out what caused me to see Slade and thought he was there.

"The dust, it made me see, hear and feel Slade. Even though he wasn't there."

"And the more you fought Slade, the more harm it did to you." Blitz Fire pointed out to me about that.

"And anybody else who got in the way." Crow did the same to point out.

"The scan says you're all clear now though." Cy smiled to me, "Yeah, well just to make sure." I got off the bed and walked over to the light switch and turned it off, and looked around to see if Slade was gone for good and he was. I turned on the light again and sighed, "I've been fighting Slade for so long. I guess it's hard to just let it go but sometimes I feel like I'm the only one still looking for him... the only one who can stop him." I have always felt that way because of how long I've been fighting him, I just felt that way a lot "Robin, you're not alone." Blitz Fire wanted me to know that there are people who will care for me "And if Slade really does ever return, We'll be ready. We got things covered here, why don't you get some rest?"

"Sounds like a good call." I exited the medical bay and headed to my room and rested down for the painful day I've had. Today anyways.

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