Chapter 2

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In the middle of the woods, it's raining. Me and Blitz Fire were walking around, I was looking around carefully for Slade "Robin, are you sure you saw Slade?"

"Positive." I replied back without looking at Blitz Fire, "Well, Don't worry we will stop Slade." Biltz Fire had the right idea but not the one I had in mind, "We have no other choice." I kept walking until Cy, Crow, and Beast Girl contacted me to keep up with the situation "Robin, At the bridge."

"Did you find the generator?"

"Man, I can't find anything, no signs of anything unusual" Cy reported back

"Nothing here either." Crow reported the same thing

"I got nothing." Beast Girl said sickly.

"Keep searching." I answered back.

Back with me and Blitz Fire, I kept walking "I told them where the generators Slade planted. I should've got them after myself." I got mad about the situation of how this 'team' couldn't find them "They will be found, Robin. You need faith in-" Blitz Fire was talking as he was interrupted. That's when I saw his silhouette, "Robin!" Blitz Fire shouted out my name as I ran further away from him and went after Slade. I finally found him, I stopped "Tick tock, Robin. This is going to be easier than I thought. You've gone weaker, Robin." Slade noticed, "Rrgh!!!" I pulled out batarangs and threw them at Slade as they went off there was smoke. I tried to attack Slade but Slade grabbed my wrist then punched, I fell to the ground, holding the side of my stomach but I couldn't give up, I tried to sweep and kick him off the ground but it didn't work as he dodged the attack. I noticed he was gone, I looked around but then I noticed he was behind me and punched me back to the ground, I looked at Slade with an angry look.

"Robin!" Blitz Fire found me, Slade turned over to notice that Blitz Fire was right there. Blitz Fire looked around for Slade but Slade ran past him, I quickly got up from the ground and ran over to Blitz Fire grabbing his wrist tightly "What happened?!"

"Robin, you're hurting me."

"Slade was right in front of you! How could you let him get away?!" I yelled at Blitz Fire

"Robin, There was no one there." Blitz Fire pointed out, I was shocked by how I was just fighting Slade, but that shouldn't give me a reason not to be mad at Blitz Fire "I-i'm sorry..."

"SORRY, DOESN'T CUT IT BLITZ FIRE!" I once again yelled at him but nevermind, I let go of Blitz Fire's wrist and turned away from him "Whatever, forget it. I will find him and take him out myself." I walked away.

"Robin..." said Blitz Fire.

Then I got contacted again, I answered and I noticed it said ~Hello, Robin... Meet me at this address, and we can have a proper fight.~ I knew it had to be Slade, I decided to go over there. With the others not knowing anything.

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