Chapter 5

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Crow into a cross sitting pose while levitating "What are you doing?" asked Beast Girl

"Finding Robin." Crow replied "Azarath Metrion Zinthos." Crow spoke as black shadow to find Robin and it finally found Robin. "Robin, we are here to help."

"Crow, what are you-? You have to get out, Slade. He'll destroy you."

"Robin, you're heart... you're in danger. I need you to trust me, Slade isn't here. He's not in the tower."

"No, he's here. He's real, I've seen him."

"Then let me see him, you're eyes." Crow could see what Robin could see "See Robin, there is no one here, there is never was-" Slave punched as Crow regained control again with his normal self.

"AGH!" Crow fell to the ground "SLADE!" Crow screamed Slade's name as he quickly got up, panicking "You saw him?!" Cy walked over and asked "I don't know if he's real or not but he's real to Robin and that's all that matters. The stress on her brain is destroying her body, Robin truly believes she's fighting Slade, and Slade is winning."

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