Chapter 13

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Ashley pov

I woke up and looked around i must have fell asleep on the couch on chandler.

I looked at him he sleeps so peacefully so i decided not to wake him.

I climbed over him but im unsuccessful.

He grabbeds my legs when im on top of him and he said "where do you think your going"i let out a giggle "im going to get dressed"i give him a small kiss on his cheek and go up stairs and get ready.

I showered and get dressed in my blue shorts and my walking dead t-shirt with my white high top converse and i get my purse and keys.

Then i ran and get chandler and said "come on"

He nodded and we went to my car and he got im and we drove to the set.

*the set of TWD*

I parked the car and went to my dressing room and put my stuff in there.

I Got dressed im my costume and they did my make up.

After i was they got done with my makeup I made my way to the scene area.

Today we are starting season 5. I got in position and Chandler made his way over and got in position.



Me and carl walked down the long road to the see a church.

Carl goes "we should go check it out"

I noded taking out my machete from my bag and we go inside and we see rick and the others we ran to them and hugged them i especially hugged beth she and Maggie are like a sister to me, i love them.

Carl grabbed my hand and pulled me into the office in the church and i goes "why are we in here"

"I have to tell you something amy"

I looked at him "what is it carl"

"I love you"

I smiled "i love you too"

He hugged me "but why did you wait this long to tell me is there something wrong"

"No" carl said

"Then why"

"Its because, since i had these feelings i never told any one"


"But then when i saw you being attacked but a walkers and almost die, but im glad you didn't, i realised i had to tell you, i was so close to losing you".

"Oh carl i love you"

He smiled and he leans closer to my face and kissed me lips.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kiss him back.

Mihhone walked in and said "hey guys were" "oh my god im sorry"

Carl laughed and i undo my arms around his neck and he looked at me and i looked at him.


The scene was over and Chandler and went to my trailer and watched some tv.

He asked "so how do you like being on the show so far"

"Its great"

"Im am so glad your on it"

"Oh really"


I kissed him and looked at the clock 5:00

And i asked him "how have we been filming"

"I don't know, why you ask"

"Just curious"


We continued looking at tv.

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