Chapter 5

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Seb: ummmmm why is there a suitcase in the living room? And where are you?

Mummy Hay: Ashley is taking me on holiday for my birthday and I am out buying hair products.

Seb: you can't go away!!!!!

Mummy Hay: I'm still mad at you Sebastian so yes I am going away

Seb: ugh fine where are you going?

Mummy Hay: you aren't coming too, the tickets are already booked

Seb: I'm just curious

Mummy Hay: I'm going to Madrid Spain

Seb: nice what time is your flight?

Mummy Hay: tonight

Seb: can we talk when you get back then?

Mummy Hay: no.

Seb: why not?

Mummy Hay: because I need time Seb please

Seb: I have given you time, you have had three weeks of time

Mummy Hay: I need more alright

Seb: does this mean we are getting a divorce?

Mummy Hay: look Seb I'm busy can we not talk about this now

Seb: alright. I'll be gone before you get back have a nice flight

I need you pt 2 ///// SEBASTIAN STANWhere stories live. Discover now