Chapter 36

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6 months later

HaileyHems: surprise? Welcome to the world Brooklyn Grace Hemsworth-Stan and Olivia Jane Hemsworth-Stan

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HaileyHems: surprise? Welcome to the world Brooklyn Grace Hemsworth-Stan and Olivia Jane Hemsworth-Stan

7393 likes// 6383 comments

Username48; omg you were pregnant 😱

Elizabeth: look at my beautiful goddaughter 🥺

AnthonyMack: I am proud to be the Godfather of Brook ❤️

Username58; they are gonna be so pretty

SebastianStan: they have a beautiful mum so obviously @Username58

AshBenson: I'm gonna come visit soon

ShayShay: bit salty that I wasn't chosen to be god mother but if I get called Auntie Shay I don't mind

HaileyHems: yes please! @AshBenson and of course you will @ShayShay

E!News: the truth behind Hailey Hemsworth-Satan's pregnancy has been revealed on our instagram!!!

ChrisEvansOffical: can you not for five minutes!? @E!News

ChrisHems: I'm gonna be the best uncle

LiamHems: no me!

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