Chapter 23

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HaileyHems: back to filming which means spending lots of time in hair and make up with this lovely one

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HaileyHems: back to filming which means spending lots of time in hair and make up with this lovely one

Tagged: LucyHale

6394 likes// 6338 comments

LiamHems: yeah you need it

Username97; finally Hailey is back!!!

HaileyHems: no one asked you? @LiamHems

Username66: please tell me your character dies

SebastianStan: I miss you already 🥺

Username37: why did you have to come back

HaileyHems: I miss you too 😘 @SebastianStan

Username23: episodes with Hailey in it are the best

Username44: does anyone else find it weird that Hailey has loads of time off compared to the rest of the cast?

Username10: yeah it's really strange @Username44

LucyHale: I look so gross

HaileyHems: no you don't 🥺🥺🥺 @LucyHale

Username57: yeah you spend loads of time in hair and make up cuz you need it

TylerB: you guys do spend loads of time in there....

TroyB: what do you guys do in there?

HaileyHems: it takes a lot of time to create this masterpiece @TylerB @TroyB

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