Chapter 26

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HaileyHems: walks with the dude

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HaileyHems: walks with the dude

Tagged: BlazeG

7493 likes// 64937 comments

Username69; have you and Sebastian gotten a divorce

KeeganAll: it was a pleasure meeting you

BlazeG: you too dude @TomHolland

Username98; what has happened between you and Seb?

BlazeG: it was funny when you fell over on a pebble 😂

HaileyHems: no it wasn't I hurt my ankle @BlazeG

Username7: Hailey and Sebastian have posted each other I'm getting worried

LucyHale: so that's where you went on your break

TroyB: you do know Vic will kill you if you mess up your make up

HaileyHems: too late! @TroyB

ToryB: I will not stop her from murdering you

HaileyHems: I feel the love @ToryB

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