Scythe's Prey

718 17 2

The next day.....

0800 HRS

Rama: Today you will be on a mission to retrieve top secret file that belongs to the late pioneer, Dr. Ghazali at the Gamma Tower. The file contains a secret project that could be stolen by the terrorists. If they did, Cyberaya will be doomed. We must act quickly. Ali, choose your team.
Ali: Yes sir. Alicia, Rudy and Iman. You're with me.

Later at the Gamma Tower

Ali: It's already years father. No wonder the killer's hunting me...
Alicia: Ali.....
Ali: Yes Alicia?
Alicia: That's an old story. Let's go. Stay on the mission.
Rudy: Guys? Look at this...
Iman: Haa? (Covers her mouth with her hands)
Ali: It's him. He's here.
Alicia: Who?
Ali: Jaeger.

(Gunshot) Ali caught a bullet with his hand.

???: Tch! Damn it.
Ali: Where the hell you're gonna run, Jaeger?
Jaeger: Seems you know I'm here. You also know my intentions for coming here. Right?
Rudy: RUN!
Jaeger: Shadow Ghost Form!
Ali: He's invisible!
Rudy: Split into 2 groups. You with Alicia. Iman's with me. Go!
Ali: GO GO!


Alicia: No way...
Ali: The entrance's been blocked.
Rudy: Damn it!
Iman: Calm down. We have to hide first.

Welp, Jaeger's disappeared and he sent his subsequent warrior to kill the four agents.

Alicia: Ali, what's that thing?
Ali: According to the M.A.T.A. files, it's GSZ-4271-D or also known as, The Scythe.
Rudy: We better find cover.
Iman: Quick.
Scythe: Where are you? I can hear your footsteps.. Hahahahaha!
Ali: There's an opening. Over there! Go!

Rudy and Iman made it out. But, not for Ali and Alicia. Again, it's blocked. Luckily the mission is completed. The file's with Rudy and Iman...

EA: Ali X AliciaWhere stories live. Discover now