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Now there is only one choice. They have to have in a closet.

Ali: Hide in here! Quick!
Alicia: Seriously? We're different genders ok.
Ali: And you wanna die out there?
Alicia: No!

Ali became frustrated and pulled Alicia into the locker. Scythe then appears with such an evil creepy sinister laugh. Alicia became more scared.

Alicia: I am very scared.....
Ali: We'll escape this creepy place together ok?
Alicia: Ok....

Meanwhile at the M.A.T.A.

Rama: Where's Ali and Alicia?
Rudy: We escaped first and the escape route blocked. Luckily we have the file.
Iman: We can't even contact them. The signal must be jammed by the enemy.
Rama: Thanks for these info. You must tired. Go ahead and take a rest.
R/I: TQ general.

Back to the tower.

Scythe: Where the hell are those lovebirds have gone to?
Ali: (whispering) Why the hell he call us lovebirds.
Alicia: Language Ali.....
Ali: Oh sorry.
Ali: He's began to swearing....
Alicia: Look there is a hole in the wall.
Ali: Let's go!

The top of the tower exploded.

Ali: WOAH!
Alicia: Incoming!

They landed on a bouncing castle. That means there is a funfair held there. But it's 3 a.m. so the funfair isn't open yet. Alicia landed on Ali. Ali's under Alicia. Their faces were too close...

Ali: Ummm Alicia?
Alicia: Oh sorry...
Ali: You're okay?
Alicia: Yeah.
Ali: Let's head back home.

At the M.A.T.A.

Rama: Ali, Alicia? Are you two alright?
Ali: Yea. Thanks for the concern, general.
Alicia: Huarh. I'm feeling sleepy right now.
Ali: Me too. General, we head to our room. Bye!
Rama: Bye!

Inside their room.

Ali: Alicia!
Alicia: What? *Camera sounds*
Ali: Gotcha!
Alicia: Ali.... I got your phone!
Ali: Hey! Give me back!
Alicia: Bweeek!

2 minutes after chasing around the room.

Ali: Found you!
Ali: Why are you crying?
Alicia: I miss my parents... (she found Ali's family picture)
Ali: Me too.. I miss them very much.
Alicia: I wish I can see them again.
Ali: Yeah. But only The Almighty knows when you will see them. Here.
Alicia hugs Ali immediately and slept in the hug.
Ali: Good night.

EA: Ali X AliciaWhere stories live. Discover now