We're the idiots

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Lucas's phone loudly rings. He sighs as he sits up in bed. He grabs it and sees it's Ness. He rolls his eyes and answers it. "Will you stop calling me?" Lucas harshly asks.

"Lucas, we need to talk about this," Ness pleads.

"Talk about what, the fact you lied."

"Lucas, it's been months, at least let me explain myself.

"Screw off." Lucas hangs the phone up. He drops the phone and tries to go back to sleep. As soon as he closes his eyes he can't help but see Ness. When he does he clenches his fists. He shakes his head, trying to forget about him, but he can't. He hasn't been able to forget about him since it happened. There's a small part of him that doesn't believe he'd lie to Lucas as he did, but it gets clouded by Lucas's other thoughts. He sighs before climbing out of bed. He stumbles his way into the kitchen. He looks around and sees the sight he is looking for. It's a small drawer near the kitchen. This drawer has paring knives in it. Lucas opens the drawer and grabs one. He looks down on it and can't help his tears. He rubs them away with his wrist.

He walks back up to his room and sits on his bed. Before anything happens Lucas sees a paper airplane fly into the room. He sighs. "Claus, what's this?" Claus pops his head in, but before he does Lucas hides the knife. Lucas walks over to the airplane and picks it up.

"Ness didn't lie to you," Claus defends. Lucas rolls his eyes.

"This again?" Claus turns around but is unable to leave. He turns his head back.

"Ness hasn't attended school since it started back up, have you noticed?" Lucas's eyes widen slightly.

"What do you?"

"Ness...he blames himself for falling for his trick."


"Read my note, after that, apologize to Ness...He's in pain." Claus closes Lucas's door with his foot. Lucas looks down at the airplane. He unfolds it and sees Claus's handwriting.

"Coal messed with him, he messed with all of us. Ness shouldn't be at the end of the blame game, it should be him," the note says. At the bottom, it has everyone's initials, showing that everyone in their group agrees. Lucas's eyes stop on Ness's initials. He rubs his thumb on Ness's initials. He crumples up the note and walks over to his bed. When he sits down he thinks over what he's done over the past few months.

Ness approaches Lucas at his locker. Lucas glares at Ness before slamming the locker shut. "I haven't seen all winter break, how've you been?" Ness asks. He knows the answer, and Lucas knows he knows. Lucas just turns around and starts to walk to his class. Ness sighs and runs up to his side. "I'm sorry, but once you know what happened I'm sure—"

"Shut up," Lucas interrupts him. Lucas turns around and scowls at Ness. Ness gets thrown off by how mad Lucas looks. "Please, just don't try to lie more. I'm stupid for thinking anyone would care about me." Lucas continues to walk away. Ness watches him.

"I still care for you."

"Well, I sure as hell don't care about you."

Lucas thinks more about what he's done. He's continuously avoided and ignored Ness. He's called Ness a liar, lied to himself by saying he didn't care, among other things. Lucas starts to all out cry. His whines being heard by Claus, who feels bad but knows this is necessary. Lucas puts his hand down and feels a small bump in the blanket. When he moves it he sees the knife, and an idea pops into his head. He picks it up. "I hurt Ness. I thought he hurt me...but I'm the one who hurt him. I'm no better than Coal. Don't worry Ness, I'll take care of this.

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