Chapter 8

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Rachel's POV 

     After a few hours of researching the heavy metal band I get dressed in back clothes and I get a text from Finn saying he is on his way. I kiss both my dads on the cheek and walk out into the night where Finn is waiting for me in his old rusty truck. On the way to the motel we talk about glee club and Quinn. We arrive at the motel and Finn parks in the corner of the lot, he hands me a pair binoculars and he takes out a large camera and points it towards a door at the motel. 

"A stakeout its so exciting, its like an episode of heart to heart." Finn says to break the silence. I  look out of the window and try to spot my girlfriend. I don't see her car that's a good sign. 

"No this is not fun or cool." I respond and he gives me a dirty look. 

"Then why did you agree to do it?" He asks and settles into his seat. 

"Because Quinn cheated on you with Puck, then Sam with you. Then she cheated on you with me. She is an all around cheater I just want to be sure." I put the binoculars back up to my face. 

"I never understood why she cheats anyway. Why would get with her if you know she cheats?" Finn moves the binoculars out of my face and looks me in the eye. He is giving me that constipated puppy dog look. 

"Because I love her." Finn throws his hands in the air. "That's cheesy yes I know. Maybe she cheated on a bunch of guys trying to find something that wasn't there because she likes girls." I give him a smirk and wait for his reply. 

"That makes sense in that one instance Rach, you never know though. I mean that is why we are here." Finn shakes his head and looks out of the window. 

"Why did you want to come?" I ask him knowing there isn't many real reason he needs to see Quinn and Sam together, if they are I hope they are not. 

"To spend time with you." He rubs the back of his head before pushing on. "You don't deserve a cheater." Finn admits and my eyes go wide. 

"Finn your not saying..." This can't be happening. 

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it." He is quick to calm me down and puts a hand on my shoulder. "I want to sing a duet if that's cool?" Finn comes back from his slip up. 

"I was going to sing one with Quinn but yeah that's fine." I smile to him. "I would love to." As I finish I see a door open. "Finn." I push his shoulder and he looks out the window. Kurt walks out of the door with Sam and they touch each others arms before Kurt walks off. Finn snaps a few pics of the scene. 

"I can't believe Kurt would do that to Blaine." Finn shakes his head, I was just about to say the same thing. Finn drives me home in silence as we process what we just watched. 

     The next day Tina, Mike, Lauren, Noah, Finn, Quinn and I all went to the Lima bean after school. I sat next to Quinn having Kurt seen alone with Sam made me confidant in my girlfriend. Tina starts talking about Sam and that we don't really know much about his back round, suspicious. 

"I'm telling you guys Kurt wouldn't cheat on Blaine." Quinn cuts in confidently. 

"Just like the rumors album being a partner on the road is hard for 2 artists." I respond to the group. "Partners have this love the one you are with mentality. Look at all of us. Look at all of the different combinations we've had. Finnchel Puckelberry." Not my proudest moment but it was just a week then me and Noah went back to being best friends.  

"Ting Tong Chang Chang." Tina joins in. 

"Artitany." Artie snaps his fingers. Somehow Artie and Brittany are together even though her and Santana kiss and do other stuff all the time.  

"Pizes." Noah looks at Lauren and gives her a knowing look. Wait a second are they back together and who is Lauren's running mate for prom Queen. All her poster are just of her, I'll ask some other time. I also know Santana is running with Karofsky, gross. Quinn leans down and presses her lips on my ear. 

"She's running with Finn, I asked." Finn? Why Finn? I snap my head at her. 

"How did you..." 

"We are worse then Brittana, right?" I nod my head and bite my lip. "I know what's going on up in that head of yours." Quinn kisses my hair and we get back to the conversation at hand. 

"Guys we are sitting here squabbling over what?" Finn asks the table of people. "A rumor." Like that damn album. 

"Finn is right." I start. "We need more information." Quinn shifts uncomfortably next to me. 

"I don't want to get into it." So my girl does know something. "All I'm gonna say is..." Quinn leaves the words hanging for way to long and I glare at her. "Sam's not gay." With that she gets up and taps my shoulder telling me its time to go. I take a look around the group and they don't seem to believe her and I do so I get up and follow her out. 

     I walk down the halls the next day at school and see Sam wearing one of Kurt's old jackets. I quickly find Kurt and confront him. I tell him its not okay to cheat on Blaine and he responds by saying I am crazy, I mean I am. But when I was with Finn sometimes he would leave his Letterman jacket at my house and I would wear it to school the next day, maybe that's what Kurt and Sam are doing. Kurt doesn't deny the fact that he may be sleeping with Sam but he also says that its just gossip and I need to get over it. He walks away from his locker leaving me wondering what is going on. I see Finn in the hall and immediately approach him. 

"Can we go on another stakeout." I ask and look up into his light brown eyes, they aren't as pretty as Quinn's. "I need answers Hudson." I stomp my foot. 

"Sure, uh same time." Finn stumbles with his words over the urgency I used in my tone. I nod once and storm away.  

     Finn and I watch the door of the motel like a hawk looking for anything suspicious. 

"Why would Quinn say that thing about Sam not being gay." I move the binoculars from my face and look at Finn. "She was so sure about it." Her words have been rattling around in my head all day, I needed to ask someone. 

"Well they did date." Finn shrugs his shoulder and places a hand on mine to try and comfort me. 

"Yeah but the way she said it." I shake my head and use my hands for emphasis. "There is something else going on." Finn stares at me as I ramble about his ex. "The problem with dating Quinn, besides the mood swings." Finn cocks his head to the side and nods his head. "Is that she is so protective about her feelings. After some coaxing I can usually get them out though." 

"I always had that problem but I could never get through to her. It was like I didn't know where she stood with her feelings." I nod my head. "I have learned that girls like that do it to keep there power. You never did that though." He looks at his feet and rubs the back of his neck. "I always knew what you were thinking." So does Quinn, he must have loved me more than I could have loved him. I hear a creak and the motel door opens. I see Quinn walk out first, no, then Sam followed behind. They give a long intimate hug before my girl walks away from the surfer dude. I throw my binoculars hard they hit the windshield and it luckily doesn't break. I feel hot tears start to roll down my cheek and Finn pulls me into a hug. 

"I'm so sorry Rachel." Finn knows what its like to be cheated on, the fact that we picked the same girl to get played by is so much worse. It makes the pain worse and she said she loved me. We shared so many things I haven't done with anyone else. I hope she didn't cheat on me but its really hard to think she didn't right now. Finn holds me a little tighter as I sob into his shoulder. 

     I avoid Quinn's calls and texts all night, I guess I am getting pretty good at that. At school the next day as I storm up to Quinn I hear Becky Jackson, Coach Sylvester's minion, telling Quinn to 'Bite me Fabray.' It makes me laugh for a second but I put my mean face back on as I approach my girl. She is reading the school news paper when I walk up to her. Her face snaps to mine and she looks just as angry as I do.  

"Why are you storming, I should be the one storming." I feel all my pent up rage from last night coming out. 

"The way I see it I am the stormer and you should be the stormee." Quinn shoots ice daggers down at me. "According to today's paper." She opens the paper and points to a section. "Finn and Rachel were seen sitting closely, laughing and talking intimately." I roll my eyes at her accusation. 

"We were on a stakeout." I say breaking the words apart. "What were you doing with Sam in that motel?" I ask and glare up into her hard eyes. They have turned dark and all I see is rage behind them. 

"I'm not cheating on you. This time around I haven't and I won't. You have to learn to trust me." That's the problem I already do.

"Can't trust you if you won't tell me the truth." I put a hand on my hip and step closer to the raging blond. 

"What were you and Finn doing together, huh?" 

"Staking out, that's what you do on a stake out." I point out. 

"What were you talking about?" She challenges, ugh she needs to back off I don't want Finn. 

"Glee club okay he wants to do a duet with me. That's all trust me." He did hold me when I was crying over you, I refrain from telling her that though. 

"Well then I guess we both have to learn how to trust each other."  

"Then I guess so." I glare into her eyes. 

"Then I guess I know what song we will be singing this week in glee club." Quinn has so much attitude. She is referring to I don't want to know which I wanted to sing in the first place. "You better be ready by this afternoon." With that Quinn turns on her heel and walks away. I punch the air and do the same walking in the opposite direction to the choir room because I know she loves the auditorium. I go and run through the song a couple of times already knowing all of the words.  

"Alright today Rachel and Quinn will be singing a duet." Mr. Schue announces, Quinn and I walk to the front of the room barely registering each others presence.  

"Normally this song is sung by a male and female, but this song fits perfectly for us at the moment." I say quickly and turn to the band. The strumming begins and I nod my head along to the music. Quinn and I sing in unison. 

I don't want to know the reason why the love keeps right on walking on down the line.

I use my hand and make a quick line.  

I don't want to stand  'tween you and love honey, I just you to feel fine.  

Quinn and I hold hands and sway to the beat. I really don't want to hold her hand though.  

I don't want to know the reason why the love keeps right on walking on down the line. I don't want to know the reason why the love keeps right on walking on down the line.

Quinn drags me over to the piano for a second before dropping me hand and walking to the other side of the piano.

I don't want to stand 'tween you and love honey ,I just want you to feel fine.  

I stick both my thumbs up sarcastically at her and scowl. 

Finally baby. The truth has been told. Now you tell me that I'm crazy.  

We meet back at the front of the piano and sing with rage at each other.  

There's nothing that I didn't know. Trying to survive. 

Quinn puts an arm around my shoulders and we face the glee club. 

You say you love me but you don't know. You got me rocking and reelin'. 

Quinn releases her tight hold on me and walks a couple steps away. 

Hey you know what you do. Oh oh yeah. Uh huh. I.... 

We hold out the note and come closer together. 

I don't want to know oh. 

I hold the final note a step longer than Quinn. We face each other and glare into one another's eyes. I can feel the anger rolling off of her. I wrap my arm around her waist and smile at the glee club as they give us applause. 

"Okay." Mr. Schue gives 2 lousy claps. "Terrific job guys might want to try to smile a little more next time though." 

"Yeah." Quinn gives me a quick smile as we move to sit down Finn interjects. 

"It was lovely but I prefer Quinn's duet with Sam better." Quinn and I both glare and the tall doofus. I don't understand why the heck he is doing this to us, we are trying to do something about this situation and he is making it worse. Finn eyes Quinn. "Since you and Sam have been getting a lot closer lately, maybe you guys should do duets together more often." Finn spits out, I glare at Quinn and cross my arms. 

"Where is Sam today?" Artie asks between the stare down Finn and Quinn are having. "Quinn and Kurt are both here today so he can't be doing the dirty." Quinn ignores Artie's comment and faces up to Finn. 

"I know what you are doing." She points in his face. "You want Rachel and I to stop singing together so you can sing with her again." 

"Actually yeah I am, I wouldn't want someone as wonderful as Rachel to be going with a cheater." Finn snaps at Quinn. 

"For the last time I am not cheating on the love of my life with some toe head." Quinn yells at Finn but is really informing the whole class. Love of her life, I smile to myself. Quinn turns on her heel and executes a prefect storm out, she learned from the best.  

"Now you have done it Finn." I step up to him. "I am dating Quinn and I will never choose you again." After I finish I turn and chase after my girlfriend. 

Party for two (Sequel of the Rachel Berry house party train wreck extravaganza)Where stories live. Discover now