my wii is too gucci for obama

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i got tagged by dora_is_evil-fite_me

thank you boo ily 🧡

1. You must post the rules
2. You must say 13 things about yourself
3. If you don't respond within a week, the person who tagged you has to think of a punishment
4. You have to tag/nominate 15 people
5. The chapter has to have a creative name

Things about me:

1. i've never dated someone, and i never intend to unless it's suga ✌️

2. i haven't watched 7DS

3. in the fifth grade my friend dared me to eat a single red skittle that she found in her backpack; and i did

4. i am a sasuke stan oops-

5. my favorite candy bar is a tie between twix/snickers

6. i can self roast to save my life

7. ya girl is a sagittarius

8. guys i have a crush on literally everyone from haikyu!! 😔👌

9. no joke i can straight up drink up to three 16oz water bottles in 30s-1min (just ask the kids in our school musical practices)

10. one time when i was eight i sliced open all my toes on one foot walking down the stairs. one toe almost came off and i didn't cry until i found out that my grandpa wouldn't be taking me to u-swirl because i had to stay home and fix my toes so they wouldn't get infected

11. my favorite kind of movie/tv genre is horror; there ain't nothing that scares me unless there's spiders or wasps

12. if i could move to anywhere in the world, it would be osaka or tokyo

13. i really want a pet snake so i can name him/her kaburamaru 🥺

aight, y'all are in for it now


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