why #alllivesmatter is not helping.

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hopefully the title of this grabbed your attention. no matter how long this may seem, i want you to read this; all of it. every single sentence i write today will probably the most important thing i ever write, so listen.

as most of you know, people are posting on instagram, facebook, etc. about #blacklivesmatter. if you haven't heard about this, it's in honor of george floyd. here's a quick synopsis from google: On May 25, 2020, George Floyd, a black man, was killed in Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States. During an arrest, Derek Chauvin, a white police officer, kept his knee on the side of Floyd's neck for almost nine minutes while Floyd was handcuffed and lying face down. During the last three minutes, Floyd was motionless.

if you didn't know, this 46 year old man was CRYING FOR HIS MOTHER. when was the last time you saw a grown man crying? probably not in a long while, if ever. there was no reason for this poor man to be SUFFOCATED to death for being presumably intoxicated. he was not hurting anyone. he was not hurting himself. he was WALKING ON THE SIDEWALK. and the only reason he died was because he had a DIFFERENT SKIN TONE than other people.

now listen, it's great and wonderful that people are spreading awareness about this. but when there are THOUSANDS of people posting pictures of nothing but the color black, it's time to realize that we aren't prioritizing the right thing. posting that won't do anything, and is only drowning out the posts that are actually helping. look, it's wonderful that you want to spread awareness about this, but posting zero information about how to stop it is NOT the way to do it.

by going out and using the term #blacklivesmatter makes it look like people don't fucking care about blacks when we OBVIOUSLY DO. STOP USING THAT TERM. IT'S NOT HELPING, IT'S MAKING US ALL LOOK LIKE ENTITLED WHITE PRICKS. THAT IS THE ABSOLUTE OPPOSITE OF WHAT WE WANT. i can't seem to argue enough about this.

and in a recent news article, guess what? BILLIE FUCKING EILISH states that this #blacklivesmatter slogan "is calling attention to the fact that society clearly thinks black lives don't fucking matter."

here's the article, copy and pasted word for word:

She then said that if she hears one more white person say, "All lives matter," she would lose her "f------ mind."

"No one is saying your life doesn't matter," Eilish wrote. "No one is saying your life is not hard. No one is saying literally anything about you.

"This is not about you," she continued. "Stop making everything about you. You are not in need. You are not in danger."

Eilish, whose full name is Billie Eilish Pirate Baird O'Connell, said she would explain it as she would to a child.

"If your friend gets a cut on their arm are you gonna wait to give all your friends a Band-Aid first because all arms matter?" she asked. "No," she said, adding that you would help your friend who was bleeding because they are in pain and in need.

Eilish provided another example, asking if a person's house was on fire and someone was trapped inside, "are you gonna make the fire department go to every other house on the block first because all houses matter???"

"No," she said, because they don't "f------ need it."

The post was written almost entirely in caps.

You are privileged whether you realize it or not, Eilish wrote.

"Society gives you privilege just for being white," she wrote. "You can be poor, you can be struggling..and still your skin color is giving you more privilege than you even realize and nobody is saying that makes you better than anyone."

This allows white people to live without having to worry about surviving, simply because of their skin color, Eilish wrote.

"If all lives matter," she asked, "why are black people killed for just being black? Why are immigrants persecuted? Why are white people given opportunities that people of other races aren't?"

Eilish questioned why white people can protest stay-at-home orders while carrying semi-automatic weapons, as some have at the State Capitol in Lansing, Michigan, and why black people are labeled "thugs" for protesting "the murder of innocent people."

"Do you know why?" she asked. "White. F------. Privilege."

if you don't believe me and think i made this up, here's the article.


jesus. i can't stress enough how much whites, including myself, are really not making a difference. we are not helping by posting that shit. maybe one day we'll all understand that and life can be all kumbaya or whatever. but for now, get your priorities straight if you need to. and for those of you who are more concerned with the protests and black people burning shit who say, "it's awful that a black man died, but people need to stop destroying property and stealing."

listen. because you should be saying "yeah, it's awful that stuff is being destroyed and people are stealing things in protest, but black people need to stop being murdered."

let's end this once and for all. together. not as a city, or a country, but as a people.

hopefully we can stop using the hashtag #alllivesmatter and use something more like #stopkilling or #bringpeace to represent our amazing african american citizens instead.

have a good day/night, and bless you all. stay safe, and don't forget that i love you.



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