New Recruits

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Everything was normal at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. Bonnie was backstage tuning his guitar. Chica was in the kitchen baking pizza. Foxy was in the cove singing pirate songs, and Freddy was onstage just sitting there like always with nothing to do. "Hey Freddy" said the purple bunny walking through the backstage door. Freddy looked over and smiled. "Hello Bonnie finish tuning that old thing" Bonnie chuckled then sighed. "This guitar may be old, but at least it's younger than your suit." Freddy replied with a playful snort. Bonnie walked onstage and patted his back. "How about a song for old time sake" He said looking eager to play his newly tuned instrument. Chica walked out of the kitchen and hopped onto the stage. "That sounds like a good idea" She pronounced with her cheerful voice. Freddy gave a long, hard, sigh. "Fine," he replied sounding a little regretful. Foxy poked his red head out of the curtains and smirked. "I'll prepare the music for me hearty crew." And with that, he was off down the hall and back with a radio and keyed in track 7. A very cheery tune started up and the gang looked at each other. Bonnie's part was up first and he played a sick tune on his guitar. Then it was Freddy's turn to sing and dance. When that was over, Chica had a little keyboard solo. When the song was finish, Foxy stood up and applauded. "Good show mateys" Just then, there was the sound of the lock turning, and the animatronics got in a single line side by side. The manager walked through the doors and everyone instantly greeted him. "Hello you four, i have news for you all, we have four new animatronics" All four of the robots exchanged excited glances. "meet your new co-workers" Four new robots walked in and smiled. All except for one who, by the look on his face, didn't really care. He walked into a dark corner so that only his green, glowing eyes were showing. "introduce yourselves" Said the manager with a wide smile. The first one to step up was a brown dog, who was dressed like a leprechaun including a hat. He had dark brown eyes. "Hiya pals, I'm Doug the Lucky Dog pleasure to make your acquaintance" He said in a cheerful, but polite voice. The second was a green turtle who looked a little old. "Hello there" he said in a raspy voice. "I'm Tommy the Turtle" He took off his mini top hat and bowed. The third was a gray hedgehog who was rather tough looking. "What's up everyone" He said in a laid back voice. "Name's Harry the Hedgehog and no i'm not related to sonic" The manager looked at the pair of eyes and cleared his throat. "Uh Randy are you gonna say something" Silence. "Randy I'm not kidding" The pair of eyes rolled in a rude way and a unfriendly sort off dark voice came out. "Why should I, so they could just kick me to the curb like the others" The manager scoffed and turned back to the crew. "I'm sorry for his behavior. Unlike these three, he's been activated for a long time and got replaced at his old place so he's a little rebellious at times" Foxy walked over to Randy and got a growl that told him to stop. "Look matey, i know what tis feeling you have is like. The best you could do is forgive and forget" The pair of eyes stared at him and out stepped a broken down raccoon with green eyes and a black and grey pattern on his fur. There was a giant hole on his chest that revealed the exoskeleton, and his left arm was bare metal, no fur. His right ear looked like it had been bitten off, and there was a long cut going down one leg. Oil was pouring from the exposed cuts. "Forget" He snapped "FORGET!!!! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO FORGET WHAT THEY DID TO ME JUST BECAUSE OF ONE MALFUNCTION" Foxy stepped back and analyzed the cuts. He put his arms up to calm Randy. "Calm down lad, it's nothing mike can't fix" The raccoon snarled and started to walk down the hall. "Tell that to the other repair men who tried and died by bites to the head" The manager's eyes lit up and he started looking worried. "Randy what did we say about bringing that up" But the raccoon just kept walking and flipped off the crowd of animatronics.

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