A Learning Process

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When woke up you wonder who everyone was you pulled yourself out of the log and you looked around. The first thing you noticed is the air is warm but the mist that is almost ankle hight is cool when you started to walk toward the others they looked at you curiously who are sitting one a log by a fire. One looked like a manager at a grocery store and the other was a girl with a red shirt and jeans with boots.
where am I and who are you both? You ask they quickly get ready to start to explain what they know so far the the manager says his name is Dwight and the girl says her name is Claudette.She says "that the thing that brought them there is called the entity said it seems to pick most at random for the other survivors but the killers it looks for something special like a bad childhood or bad habits and it will use that gainer them normal the killers already killed other people."You sit on a log next to the fire and think to yourself if you only kept you thoughts to yourself at man hunt. then it hit you did anyone else end up in this place when you go to ask them they it was only you. Then you ask the golden question I-is there a way out? When you asked you could see the answer on there face but before they said anything you heard bells ring and then you seen a girl sprint into the camp and tumble when she got to the fire. She says "oh your awake I tried to look for food but I got attacked by the invisible bastard again." When she finished you asked her name she replied "my name is meg and there are other survivors that don't even know about you being here she takes a deep breath and catches her breath since they can practice hunting us outside the camp it's hard to tell the others things." You got ready to ask where they are but Dwight says "they are deep in the forest the entity gave us a map and they went looking for it but I guess it told the murders too since the moment we started I caught a hatchet to the shoulder but I was barely out of the camp so Claudette meg and I stayed while everyone else went looking. But something I noticed is that when a new survivor come the entity don't put us in one of its trials. Which are four of us got to finish five generators and open a exit gate or we get "sacrificed" which hurts but don't kill you." then Dwight stops talking and stares into the woods and says "looks like our friend is still here." When you turn you see broken branches and leaves moving it seems to circle you guys but it backs off in the woods and heavy thick mist covers it's exit. You slowly say who is that? Meg yells "some asshole who can turn invisible. "But in the Direction of the woods where the branches broke. You asked how is that possible but Claudette quickly explained each "killer first a hulking man who has a large sword like cleaver and bear traps then a disfigured man with a sledgehammer and a chain saw"and you cut her off and ask is that who was chasing us earlier she says no and you think to yourself there is another with a chainsaw. She noticed you stopped paying attention and she snapped in front of your face and said "this is important I would listen and she starts again the there's the person who was watching us he has almost crowbar but with bones on it and it can turn invisible we believe the entity is a god who like suffering and pain so it gave them powers to help feed its hungry for misery." She stopped at it and said "we started give them names but have yet to agree but the guy with bear traps is trapper chainsaw is hillbilly and the Invisible man is wraith." There was a pause and you say is that it? but Dwight laughs and meg said "this has been a thing for hundreds of year y/n there are still some we haven't seen. You felt dumb since you asked is that who was chasing you and Claudette said no. Dwight was digging through a bag and handed you a piece of paper that was black but the writing was white and he said "it's instructions on the generators you will have to fix." You look puzzled and take it he says "you should get to reading you don't know when your trial is." You flip over the paper and the back is full meg also hands you another and says "it's harder then it seems" and walks off to a tent she found that has rips but still useful and You had lots of reading to do.

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