New experiences

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You were collecting berries and all of a sudden heavy mist covers you and it feels like you been frozen but when it clears you were next to a tree with a horse cut open and emptied you remembered when Claudette was talking to Dwight while you were reading your two papers she said"there is a house there somewhere and normally there is generator there as well as a hook and sometimes a chest" so you knew where you were headed and slowly started to walk toward the house. When you got there it was deserted all that is there are some boxes so you start to head up stairs and take your right an see more boxes and walk out of the other door and see a weird grim hook. You thought to yourself if I get put on that I'll faint. You start to work on the generator and you notice that it seems like the generators are new but like the same model and you feel you way through it. Then all of a sudden you hear the sound of a bell and you turn to see a man who is really slim and tall with a crowbar/axe looking thing with a skull and spine attached to it. You immediately got off the generator and started running you jumped over the boxes and almost fell down the stairs but when you got down there you could fell you heart beating and you kept running not being sure he even kept up with you when you got down the stairs so when you stop turn around he is still coming after but you are out of breath you immediately understood what meg was talking about you crouched down and tried to sneak away but you heard the sound of the bells again turn and it seemed wasn't there but he can go invisible so you went back to the house and seen the generator was smoking and you think he probably broke it then all of a sudden you get a sound of clang and she light coming form another generator. You start to work on the generator and you hear another generator with the same sound and it seemed like you were done a then all of sudden it popped and sparks flew out it it made loud explosions like sound. You immediately panicked and crouched down and looked for the chest when you found it you opened it slowly and seen a bunch of junk but you thought this must be a trick so you dug through and found a box of what looks like antique tools so you back to the generator but half when your about to finish it. you hear a yell right it finished and you that a survivor has been hooked you go to see what is happening and it is a guy who seemed to be pretty young with a Jeans and a shirt under a unbutton jacket with a beanie. When he sees you he says "oh a new survivor but anyway please help me off this hook" and when you get him off the hook you run back to the house saying I finished the generator here and when he says " do you have any medical training" aaaa no you reply "well try your best" you try it seemed like you did nothing but try and put some old cloth on his cut wound then another generator gets finished you thought to yourself it's kinda going good I think then another gets finished the guys says "by the way my name is Quentin" you reply with nice to me meet you my name is Y/n L/n you guys get to a gate and you start to open it by pulling the lever down but Quentin says "it's quicker for me." You could some how the lights on the exit gate starts to glow faster when he was pulling it down you felt a relief but then you heard bells again right on top of you and this time he Swung with a vengeance and it hit you straight on the shoulder and the pain was shooting all over your body and Quentin open the door he dodged the swing toward him and you got off the ground while wraith was distracted on Quentin and you ran out into the mist.

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