Strength; Purification Ceremony Part 1

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If you've seen Naruto Shippuden, you'll get where I get some idea's for this chapter, here's a link to the video I got some idea's off of. It's in the external link.  ---------------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>> over here, link>

I sat up from my long mediation. Most of the snakes in the snake pit were gone, and it was time to begin probably the most important thing in my life. Taming the Matatabi, and taking its chakra for my own. Nyla, Kogo, and I went down a different hallway. We came to a tall, dull-grey, stone wall. There was a large pool of water infront of it with a small island in the middle.

"You must rid of any hatred within yourself before fighting the Matatabi" Kogo told me. I frowned,

"How do you know so much about the Matatabi?" I asked. Kogo sighed softly, and looked down.

"It wasn't your fathers idea, nor your sensei Kabuto's idea to seal the tailed beast within you to save your life" Kogo told me.

"They came to me in search of a way" Kogo informed me. My jaw dropped without me meaning to let it.

"Enough suprises, lets set to work" Nyla snapped. I jumped into the air, and landing in the middle. 'Find the hate within yourself... and destroy it' I thought. I sat down and closed my eyes. I was unsure though what I was supposed to do. It was quiet and calm all around me. Peacefull.... 

"Well this is pointless K-" I began to say. I opened my eyes, but it was different. I still stood on the mini island in the pool of water, but the area changed. You couldn't see for miles because of a thick, heavy fog. The stone fall stretched for miles into the fog, water pouring down from the top. I stood up and looked around. There was a gurgling noise as something- no someone began walking through the waterfall.

"Who are you?" I demanded to know. The form became darker and finaly she walked out. I gasped, it was me, a darker version. The whites of my eyes were black, and the iris and pupil entirely blue.

"Surprised?" Dark-Yumi asked, and arogant smirk on my- err her face. The darker me looked so small, fragile, weak. The smirk widened, but went away. 

"Why?" Dark-Yumi whispered softly. She closed her eyes, tears rolling down. I stood unsure what to do, watching myself cry.

"Naze, watashi ga yowai, naze wareware wa yowai nodesu ka? Naze watashitachi mo tameshite imasu ka? Why am I weak? Why are you weak? Why do we even try?" she yelled at me. 

"Why do we try to be shinobi? When we are weak, and could just let go and die?" she yelled, she turned away sobbing.

"Because shinbo, a true shinobi can become stronger" I whispered.

"Lies!" Only the gifted, naturaly strong become stronger!" she yelled. Even with tears still rolling, she raced towards me with long claws striking out blindly. I let my own claws slide out to defend myself. 

"Stop it, your not helping. We can be strong, I can be strong" I snapped.

"How are you going to do that, when you can't even defend yourself. Even if you saved Kiba, you couldn't keep yourself from being injured like this" she snarled. Her claws struck upwards hitting my cheek drawing blood up. I stummbled backwards. My hand went to my bleeding cheek.

"Why do you try, why do we try?" she continued to yell at me, she put her hands over her heart,

"When it hurts? It hurts so much?" she sobbed falling to her knees.

"You bring so much pain. Just what do you hope to accomplish?" she yelled at me. 

"I don't know" I murmered. Honestly I didn't know what to do. 'She, or I, had a point' I thought looking at my own two hands. There was no point in this miserable, weak life.... It was as pointless as my grey hands... Greyness all around. All of the sudden I felt a sharp pain in my neck. I winced and gritted my teeth. The dark version of me collapsed, clutching her neck, too. Inbetween her fingers I saw a mark, the curse mark. It spiraled out into a burning fire.  I could feel the exact same curse mark on my own neck burning. 'Orochimaru put that there to help me control the Matatabi's charka' I thought. 'and he put the Matatabi within me to keep me from dieing as an infant' I thought, remembering Orochimaru telling me in person. 'Kabuto' I thought remembering his face, remembering the trainings to be a medical ninja. 'Orochimaru' remembering the training scroll and the ninjutsu I learned from him. 'Kogo' my sensei, training partner, and friend. 'Kiba' I thought of him, too. 'Orochimaru and Kabuto saved me from dieing, Kogo trained me so I could be strong, and Kiba put his life on the line for me so I wouldn't die. All so I wouldn't die, so this life couldn't be that pointless could it?' I wondered. My hands began to become lighter, no long a dull grey. I looked up, giving the Dark-Yumi a cheerfull grin.

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