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I slept in the snake pit as usual with all others, but it wasn't the usual. At least in my dreams. 

"I have a deal I want to make with you" the Matatabi said from the bars it lay behind. 



My shoulder had healed, so had Akamaru's wounds thank goodness. 

"The rest of the division won't be back for a while" Ino said. 

"We need to be on our guard to give them time" Shino said. Our group, the fifth division left to aid another group to the south. We were left to watch their backs. I took out Yumi's letter again, still able to imagine the words she wrote out of her mouth as if she were here with me. The end of it was confusing, "I'm stuck here- for now" I reread again. 

"Still reading Yumi's letter?" Ino asked. I nodded and tucked the letter in my jacket. 

"It's cute how you guys are so close" she said dreamily, probably making up a dream in her own mind with Sasuke. I sighed softly, 'I miss you Yumi, and love you too' I thought. The ground began to rumble and a sweet, powdery scent reached my nose. Akamaru began to growl. 

"Get back!" Shino yelled. We al jumped back just as the ground exploded. There was a dark figure that swooped nearby.. 

"Fang passing fang!" I exclaimed. Akamaru barked in response, and we spun round in the air towards the unseen shinobi. By the speed we spun at the dust began to clear. I yelped as the shinobi dodged my attack and kicked me in the side of the head. I felt my body be cushioned by a swarm of insects. Shino's insects swirled in a circle above. I carefully stood up, clutching the side of my head. There was a faint trickle of blood from a minor wound. 'Nothing major, you can still fight Kiba' I told myself.

"Who are you?" Ino demanded to know. 

"I am Konae" said the tallest ash-haired boy.  

"I am Yamaru" siad a brown-red haired boy.

"Lea" said the a blonde haired girl. Her eyes were strange. Lea had one blue eye, and an eye that was all white exactly like the eyes belonging to Hinata and Neji's clan, the Hyuga's. 

"Your a thief" Inoa whispered. 

"Oh this? Ha, I'd call it a trophy" Lea sneered. I gritted my teeth together angrily. Shino attacked Konae and I attacked Yamaru. 

"Scorch style! Scorching fire bullets" Yamaru exclaimed. He shot large bullets of fire from his mouth. Akamaru and I retreated to a safe distance for we coundn't come close to his scorch style ninjutsu. Scorch style was a mix between fire style and wind style. The wind just fueled the fire making it burn higher. I nodded to Akamaru and ran out from behind a large rock. Immediately Yamaru began attacking me, shooting white-hot kuni knives straight at me. I felt one whizz by and burn throught the fabric around my knee. I stumbled, but forced myself to keep moving. All of the sudden Yamaru screamed in pain from Akamaru's deadly grip on his leg. Having been distracted, I gave him time to pin him down. 

"Tsuga!" I yelled and spun towards his. 'I got him this time' I thought. Yamaru began to yell, 

"Scorching tornadoe!" he said. He spun just as I was getting close and flames licked my clothes and face. Again Akamaru and I retreated a distance. Both of us covered in soot from the ash raining down from now burning trees. We had an unfair advantage against this guy.


"Your dead kid" Konae sneered as our kuni-knives clashed with a dell thud. I didn't respone, but instead directed my insects to his eyes. They blineded him. I lunged, aiming my kuni-knife for an internal organ. Suddenly I was knocked backwards.  

Orochimaru's Daughter 3: A Shinobi World at WarTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang