Chapter 4 - So the devastation begins

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If I could have skipped the following day, I sure would have tried. If my anger at Stanford was the only thing, then I could've coped with everything a whole lot better. All these 'if only' situations were nothing in comparison to the rest of my day.

Everything started fine. I got up before Nate's alarm went off, so I took the chance to admire his handsomeness before heading out to put the coffee maker on. I shook Nate awake, which he grumbled adorably at, but he eventually stood up and headed into the shower.

Breakfast was nothing out of the ordinary though Nate reminded me very unsubtly that I had to go running with him this afternoon. I would love to say that that was where my day went bad but no, even running would be better than what I endured.

I dressed in one of my stylish pantsuits that all my colleagues wore. I hated it but I always thought blending in was probably a good idea at such a stuffy workplace. The last thing I expected was to feel covered in sweat, with tears streaming down my cheeks in the first few hours of work. Unfortunately, that was what happened.

It began as any normal workday. Sure, I didn't see Tracey, which I thought was odd because she was always gossiping in the break room when I arrived most days. I put that down to the episode of last night and the way Stanford had acted. I knew then that I would have to apologise to her.

I greeted my co-workers who seemed a little standoffish, but I shrugged it off. I went over to my desk, turned on my console, and waited to see what exciting data awaited me today. Yes, my life really was that thrilling.

I was heading towards the time for my mid-morning coffee when I finally saw Tracey. I was about to run and apologise my heart out, when she sent me a smug look that I didn't at all understand. After greeting her, she said nothing in return. I felt very uncomfortable as I stood there but I was determined to mention Nate's party.

Before a single word could leave my mouth, I heard the boss's voice calling my name. Now our boss didn't come onto the floor without very good reason. He liked to remain in his office and yell at people from there, so this was a rather unusual occurrence.

I didn't respond very quickly because shock that the man had gotten off his chair to say anything, let alone my name, had me frozen. I then stared at him, thinking he couldn't have meant me. I noticed his face was set in its permanent stern setting. The only difference this time was that his eyebrows drew together making him appear quite fierce.

"My office, Miss Winston," my boss pointed.

Was it bad that I only knew the man as 'my boss'? I didn't ever learn his name, which was why I was quite surprised that he knew mine. He had just never been that important to me. I came in, did my job, and went home; never the twain shall meet, right? Well, it seemed like that was ending today.

That was of course the moment the sweating began. A trickle ran down my spine as my palms became instantly wet. The whole room went silent, not even the clatter of a single keyboard. All eyes in the room fixed intently on me.

I had the distinct impression that these people knew more than I did about what was going on. Glancing at Tracey, I only saw sympathetic looks heading her way. Then they turned daggers at me, which was making me more anxious. The eyes tracing my journey only made the sweat beneath my armpits start up.

I gulped as I walked to the man's office. I tried to portray confidence, but I'm sure that I was a miserable failure. I had never been anywhere near this office, and I was sure I never wanted to return here either.

I sat in a chair when he gestured for me to take a seat. For a long moment, he said absolutely nothing, as though waiting for me to crack and confess everything to him. The only problem was I had nothing to confess, at least that I knew of.

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