Chapter 5 - The world of Nate

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I cannot stand anymore of the morons who think being my personal assistant would be a piece of fucking cake. Yeah I probably don't need someone that understands the ins and outs of carpentry, but it sure would help. Shit, I don't know what I'm going to do when Pete leaves. I'm seriously screwed!

Between that and knowing Kitty's dick of a boyfriend was cheating on her, it's been a bad day. On a normal day, I can't stand that boyfriend of hers. Last night watching him flirt outrageously with that other woman made me want to flatten him to the ground. The dick thought he was being subtle but I saw it all. Fuck, that arsehole deserved an absolute thrashing!

I stormed out of the office, with everyone ducking out of my way. I may have cussed at a few people that didn't move quickly enough. I could almost hear Kitty scolding in my mind about how socially inept I was, and that these people didn't deserve such treatment.

Pete caught me in the car park, demanding that I go back in there but no way in hell was that happening. I didn't even give him a chance; I got in my car and sped of out of there.

I cheered up on the drive home when I remembered two things. One, there was leftover chocolate cake and two; Kitty had to come running with me this afternoon. I'm damn sure that put a wicked smile on my face. Watching that body of hers move was divine; it made my mouth water every time. She was horrible at running we both knew that. Those curves of hers sure had my attention when she even attempted to run.

I knew something was wrong the moment I opened the door to my apartment. Her smell was here, that indescribable scent of coconut and tropical holidays. I am truly addicted to that smell of hers. I guess it was because she was here last night.

Even the thought of her being near that Stanford arsehole had my fists clenching. I couldn't believe that that jerk was cheating on someone as precious as Kitty.

Dammit! The smell only got stronger the further I moved into the apartment. My body responded in the same way it always did and I wondered whether I would have the guts to tell her exactly how I felt about her. I gritted my teeth as I tried to get my body under control.

Seeing her curled up on my side of the bed had all sorts of bad things running through my mind. I stood there for a long moment until I noticed the tear steaks along her cheeks. That made my heart clench and intense anger filled me instantly.

I had told the loser boyfriend and his tart that they had a week to confess. I had insisted that I was to be there to support Kitty when they told her. It looked as though they had taken it upon themselves to tell her, which pissed me right off.

"Kitty?" I hunkered down next to the bed where she was clutching one of my pillows tight in her arms.

God, she was so fucking gorgeous! I hated to see her hurting this much. I traced a callused finger across that infinitely soft cheek of hers. She frowned a little, murmured something that made no sense, and she looked cuter than ever.

"Nate." I closed my eyes and relished the way she said my name.

"Are you okay, Kitty?" I asked softly even though I knew the answer was a resounding no.

"'s been the day from hell." She choked out the words and started to cry.

I hated it when she cried. I had no idea how to respond and felt so useless every single time. She held out her hands to me while she wiggled her fingers. She used to do this when we were kids when she wanted a hug. It was a cue that she used instinctively and it worked on me every time.

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