Chapter 4

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Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't made an update in quite literally, forever. I've been extremely busy with schoolwork and other things outside of the internet and have just not been able to sit down and work on this chapter. Thank you to every single person who has decided to try out this book (I know my first-person writing is pretty subpar) but I hope y'all will enjoy. Lots of love <3

Word Count: 1823

Chapter 4 - A Moment to Remember

By the time I had gotten home, the bell had tolled 8 times, signalling it was 8 o'clock at night. I had walked home alone tonight and had gotten lost along the way... not just once but twice. I had been wandering for almost an hour before Suna, who I guessed went the same way I did, walked past me.

"Do you need help?" He asked, looking at my state. I was red in the face, my fingernails were digging into my palms, almost drawing blood, and my dead phone was clutched in my hand.

"Yes please," I replied, my voice somewhat shaky.

"Take a right in two blocks then turn left, you should be home," he said before walking off, the wind blowing his hair slightly.

"Thank you..." I replied, "and add me to your guild in Clash of Clans!"

"I will, I will," he said, waving his hands in a goodbye motion.

That's how I had gotten home. Suna Rintaro, the locally known "keep to himself" guy, had lead me to my home.

"I'm home!" I said as the stepped into the doorway, slipping off my school shoes.

No reply echoed from the inside of my house so I quickly walked into the kitchen. On the countertop read,

Hi honey! I'm not sure when I will get home, the head of neurology called in and told me about a case we have. I promise I will be home by morning. In the mean time there is dinner in the fridge and lunch for tomorrow. Hope you had fun at v-ball.

Love you bunches,


I read the note fairly quickly and ran up to my room to change into more comfortable clothes before grabbing dinner. I had set down my bag on the table and began doing homework.

I got done with my work at around 11 p.m., three hours later, and had finished the dinner about 2 hours prior. I closed my books gently and washed my bowl out before going to bed.

Before I closed my eyes, I plugged in my phone and checked my notifications. To my surprise I saw "MiddleBlkrSR has invited you to join Foxes". I quickly accepted the invitation and messaged the guild, "Hi everyone <3".

They were quick to reply with hellos and welcomes to the guild. I smiled to myself before private messaging Suna with, "Thank you for inviting me. Here's my LINE."

I quickly fell asleep soon after, not knowing Suna had texted me on LINE with a simple, "Hello."


I awoke the next morning to my phone ringing and blasting one of the most irritating tunes known to man. I slammed my hand on the "STOP" button and began the process of getting out of bed.

I swung my legs over the side of the mattress and placed my feet on the floor. To my surprise, it wasn't as cold as I was expecting. I went to the bathroom to freshen up and take a shower and then put on athletic gear. It was about 6:00 when I entered the living area.

"Hi Ky!" Mom said, waving at me while making breakfast.

"Hey mom, do you need any help?" I replied, my eyes focused on the front door. I wanted to go on a run and quench my hunger for physical activity.

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