☆ ch. 2 ☆

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"I hope you remember my words, Kujo."

Dangit. Why did you do that?
"Haha! That was comedy gold, Y/n. We were watching you from the window the entire time!" B/f teased. "Also.. he was our most constant customer.. and.. you do realize that you probably pissed him off to the max, right?"

You sighed, rubbing your face in anger and embarrassment. "You're right! I shouldn't have done that, but my anger got the best of me, and.... ugh, that's my fault." You groaned. B/f laughed quietly as you both stepped out the door in your casual cafe attire. You never put any effort into your hair, simply putting it into a messy bun.
(if you have short hair like me, here's one for y'all)
You never put any effort into your hair, instead just brushing your little bob out and tying a small bandana on the top of your head.
You held onto your small leather bag, which contained a small sketchbook and a quaint polaroid camera. You took those items everywhere you went.
You were always fascinated with the world, wanting to travel from country to country, state to state, city to city.
"So, do you think he'll be back today?" B/f nudged your elbow. You scoffed. "I doubt it."
You swung the door open to the cafe, B/f walking past you and going behind the counter. You didn't own the place, neither did she, but you were the only employees this small place needed.
You flipped the sign from 'closed' to 'open' as usual, walking over to the counter and not bothering to look at who walked in. "Welcome to Vanilla Bean, make yourself at home." You said quite nervously. Like you had said to yourself before, talking was never your strong suit.
B/f squealed abruptly. You turned around, only to be met by the infamous Jotaro Kujo, right next to your small frame. He towered over you in dominance, growling lowly.
"Um, s-sir.. you can't be behind the counter.." You fiddled with your own hands, not daring to look up at the large man.
He didn't say anything, and instead just walked away, sitting in his usual spot.
You gulped nervously, nearly jumping out of your skin from B/f tapping you on the shoulder. "Well, well! Look at that, Y/n. He just can't get enough of you." She whispered mischievously. You sighed, fixing up his usual cinnamon latte. Luckily, the cafe was only open until 10:00am today, so you wouldn't be there long.

You walked up to Jotaro, setting his order on the table. He handed you some money, and... a tip?
You only had courage yesterday, but now you were very intimidated by the man. You took the right amount of money, leaving the tip on the counter.
You turned around to walk away, only to be stopped by the same old harsh grip on your tiny wrist.
You looked into his eyes as he shoved the tip into your hands. "Take it, or else."
You quickly took the tip, watching as he released you from the painful hold.


10:00, your shift was over!

Jotaro had stayed until closing time for ... whatever reason.
B/f went to go spend some time with Kakyoin, as he had invited her to the mall after her shift. You had cleaned the counters and cups, all the while watching as Jotaro stood next to the window as if waiting for you to finish.
You rubbed your forehead, walking out from behind the counter and to the door. Jotaro followed behind.
"Oi, woman."
You turned on you left heel, raising an eyebrow.
"What's your name?"
"Y/n..." He mumbled. "You go to the same school as me. I see you in all of my classes."
You laughed nervously. "Oh, yeah, I never noticed.."
He walked up to the door, reached behind you for the handle. "Let's study together."
You blushed, watching as he opened the door behind you and walked out.
"W-wait! We haven't even discussed a time... and.... date..." You sighed, rubbing your eyes as he made his way down the sidewalk.
You felt a small bump in your pocket, reaching your hand inside to see what it was. Along with his phone number, there was a small note underneath:
'Message me for a time and date. Kakyoin is coming too, feel free to bring that annoying friend of yours.'
His handwriting is.. gorgeous.
Wait, but you just met him!
Well, that isn't entirely true.. after all, he was your most constant customer.

"I can't really say no.." You mumbled, sighing as you walked out the door. Tomorrow was Monday, and Monday was a school day. Monday was also the start of the week.
Which means...
You'd be seeing more of Jotaro starting tomorrow.

number the stars ☆ jotaro x reader Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora