Charpr Fieeeeeev: Goodly Gets Lost... Again

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Goodly stands on top of misshapen horse, turning in his goodly circles as he stares out into space.

Goodly and misshapen horse were on their way to Goodlyton, until they got distracted by a shooting star. Misshapen horse got confused and thought it was his cousin. So, misshapen horse did the right thing and started following it. But, once misshapen horse made it to the moon, he realized it was not his cousin, but his uncle. And misshapen horse does not like his uncle, so he stopped following it.

Goodly uses his hands as binoculars, zooming into a bright planet. "Fartlodge." Goodly whispers, zooming in even more. Fartlodge is not a goodly planet to be on, for it is too wet. And, actually, everyone on there are complete stupid heads. Unlike Goodly and his neighbors, who are big smarty pants. Goodly could never be seen with a Fartle, which was what everyone in Goodlyton called Fartlodgers.

Goodly hears misshapen horse sigh. He must still be sad about his cousin, especially because misshapen horse hasn't seen his cousin ever since misshapen horse was born. Goodly joins in with the sigh, sighing even goodlier than misshapen horse. Misshapen horse looks up at Goodly, seeing Goodly stare down at misshapen horse. They stare at each other for five minutes, before the sighing contest started. Whoever sighs the goodliest wins, and Goodly is not planning on loosing.

A space bird watches from a distance, confused as to why they are sighing at each other. The space bird calls its friends, telling them to watch as well. Next thing you know, the space birds are betting on who will win. It's not looking too goodly for misshapen horse. One bird backs away, deciding it would rather orbit Fartlodge than bet on this weird game.

Goodly lets out the goodliest sigh he can conjure up in his round tumtum. Misshapen horse passes out, making Goodly win by default. But Goodly is pretty sure, if misshapen horse did not pass out, Goodly's sigh would have been the winning sigh. Goodly pumps his fists into the air, before bowing at the space birds. If Goodly had his tophat, he would've tipped it at them, which would've probably made the girl space birds swoon. Some space birds throw their money in anger, while others happily grab at the orange coins before flying away.

Goodly slaps at misshapen horse's bum, hoping it'll wake misshapen horse from his beautiful slumber. Instead of getting up, misshapen horse rolls over, crushing Goodly underneath his beautifully round body. Goodly does not mind though, because to him it feels like a hug a bear would give. And Goodly loves bears.

Goodly tickles misshapen horse, seeing his body twitch. Suddenly, misshapen horse is laughing hysterically, bouncing around Goodly. Goodly pats all the moon dust off of him, watching misshapen horse hop in goodly circles. The circles are so goodly, it causes the moon to break in half. Goodly watches as misshapen horse floats away on the other side of the moon. Goodly's weirdly shaped eyes widen in fear. Goodly can not loose misshapen horse like he's lost everything else.

Using his princess powers, Goodly calls upon the space birds with his gorgeous melody. Every space bird comes flying in from everywhere, because it's space. They see what happened, nodding at one another, knowing exactly what to do. Half of the space birds fly to misshapen horse as he snorts sadly, while the other half fly to Goodly. On the count of three, they push both sides of the moon back together. Goodly is once again reunited with misshapen horse. Goodly nods at the space birds. "Tanks." Goodly whispers at the birds, watching as they fly away into the starry sky, which was everywhere because they're still in space.

Misshapen horse cries, wrapping his arms around Goodly as he blows his nose on to Goodly's shoulder. Goodly pats misshapen horse's back comfortingly, looking around for planet Goodliest. He spots it to his left, turning misshapen horse towards where he sees it. Misshapen horse nods, seeing planet Goodliest. Goodly hops on top of misshapen horse, pointing his finger towards the planet. "Gotta go fast." He whispers to his trusty stead.

Misshapen horse bolts to his right, going in the complete opposite direction of where Goodly wanted him to go. "Staph!" Goodly pulls on misshapen horse's ears, hoping to slow him down.  This is not the time for misshapen horse to get confused on his rights and lefts. "Gotta go fast the other way!" He screams at misshapen horse. Misshapen horse stops suddenly, tiptoeing in a half circle until he's facing Goodly's left. "Now go fast." Goodly breaths, flicking misshapen horse's ears.

"To planet Goodliest." He whispers, watching the planet get closer as misshapen horse speeds towards it.

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