Charpr Sik: Goodly Meets The Maker

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"TOO FAST, TOO- STAPH" Misshapen horse rams into planet Goodliest, landing on a hill that over looks Goodlyton. Goodly feels the dirt in his mouth.

A memory of his worm allergy pops into his head, and Goodly spits out the dirt in a goodly manner. 'Mud is good, but dirt," Goodly shakes his head, knowing he has high standards when it comes to nature.

Misshapen horse digs Goodly out of the hole misshapen horse had made when he landed. It was quite a goodly hole, and Goodly now hopes it will fill up with rain and turn into mud so he can splash in it.

Misshapen horse dusts off Goodly and sets him down on his back. Now that Goodly is on misshapen horse's back again, he can think about more important things than giant holes of mud, even though giant holes of mud is a pretty important thing to think about.

Goodly inhales deeply, tasting the smell of bagels. Misshapen horse sniffs at the air as well, tasting the same bagels. "The Bagel Man." A bird whispers in Goodly's ear.

Goodly's weird eyes widen. The Bagel Man can't be here, for he was banned from Goodlyton by Princess Goodness. Goodly thinks for a second, the squirrel in his head running as fast as it can on its little wheel.

Now that he thinks about it, The Bagel Man can't go anywhere. He was banned from Blondeness by Princess Blonde Hairs, banned from Greatlygreat by Prince Greatest, banned from Notthatgood by King Okayish, banned from Goodbutnotasgoodasgoodly by Queen Good-I-Guess, and even banned from planet Fartlodge by Emperor Fodge Lart.

Goodly narrows his eyes at a man standing on the tip-a-dee-top of a distant mountain. "The Bagel Man." Goodly whispers in a goodly manner.

The Bagel Man takes one step on the mountain. Misshapen horse neighs, and The Bagel Man goes falling down the entire mountain. Goodly hears him 'oofing' the whole way down. Misshapen horse cringes, along with Goodly.

The Bagel Man hits the bottom of the mountain, landing on his perfectly round head. "I'm okay!" The Bagel Man screams, causing an avalanche to roll down the very same mountain The Bagel Man is at the bottom of.

Before Goodly can even mutter a word, The Bagel Man is sqooshed by the avalanche. Misshapen horse turns away, trotting towards Goodlyton as Goodly sits on his back. Goodly's eyes are wide, him now realizing what the word 'traumatized' means. He snaps out of his shocked state, looking down at Misshapen horse. He pats his friend's head, leaning down to his ear. "You're The Maker, aren't you?" He asks Misshapen horse.

He can't see it, but Misshapen horse is smiling, his seven teeth poking out of his large mouth. Goodly is glad to have The Maker as his friend.

"We are best friends now." Goodly determines, finally realizing Misshapen horse's power as they make their way to Goodlyton.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2020 ⏰

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