Chapter 1: A Spark

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It doesn't happen straight away. Not as you walk into the venue that is filled with excited fans. Not as you make your way to the end of the line to wait for your turn to meet them. You are equally excited as the rest, but you are not aware yet.

Not even when it's finally your turn to meet the boys and you sit down right in front of Namjoon do you notice it.

No, it only happens when he reaches out for your hand. A logical action, they hold hands with their fans all the time. You aren't surprised by it either, you even wished to hold their hands, so you too reach out to hold Namjoon's.

But then, you feel it. You even see it. It's fast, bright, too fast and too bright, but you see it.

The spark. The flash of electricity and the speck of blue in his eyes at the exact moment your fingers touch his.

And then you know, and you can see by the shock on his face that he knows too. He's like you and you are like him.

The shock on his face is only temporary, because he immediately tries to hide it. Neither of you flinched at the moment you saw and felt the spark, but now he quickly pulls back his hand and he gives you a forced smile.

"H-Hi," you stutter, not knowing what to say. You had already been nervous to meet the boys, but now you can practically feel the anxiety course through your veins.

Because he knew, and if anyone else knew, you might be in big trouble.

The spark had been an electric one and you're absolutely positive that he is a level 5 like you are. If anyone found out about level 5 people being at this fanmeet, there would be panic. There was a high chance you would be killed, and so would Namjoon.

"What's your name, love?" Namjoon asks, and you realize you had been staring at his hands a little too long. You hide the awe at how steady his voice is and smile at him.

"It's Y/N. It's really nice to meet you, Namjoon-ssi."

He smiles back at you and you hand him the album in your hands. He opens it, signing at the assigned place. You thank him with an even bigger smile and you feel happy. Of course, you had always dreamt of meeting him! And even though he happened to be an Electric like you, you tried to think of the reason you were here. To have a good day and not think about the problems that haunted you - and might be haunting Namjoon all the same...

You gratefully take the album when he hands it back to you, but the smile on your face wavers when you read what he's written down next to his autograph.

"Dear Y/N. What a lovely fanmeet. I'm sure you'll remember it, won't you? What happened was unexpected, we should talk sometime."

Next to it, a phone number.

You widen your eyes and look back at him, but as you open your mouth to ask about what he's written, one of the staff members ushers you to the next member.

It's Jimin, and you're almost surprised at the confused look on his face. However, you remember what happened only a minute ago and think that surely he must've seen it.

You can hardly sit down on the chair in front of him and he's already taken your hand in his, giving you the sweetest closed-eyed smile.

It's a warm smile, and you instantly smile back until you realize it's a little too warm. A small confused frown appears on your face until you realize the warmth is coming from his hands.

You look up into his eyes and see a flash of red. Fast and bright, just like with Namjoon. You gulp back a gasp in surprise. Jimin too?!

You know what he's doing. He's showing you his power on purpose. He wants you to know because he'd seen. Your breath hitches when you feel it. He's a level 7, and his show of power seems to activate yours. You can feel the sparks flow through your veins in response and you pray that no one notices.

For a moment you glance to the left and right of you and see that the other members are busy with the fans sitting in front of them. All looks normal and you're left in confusion when Jimin hands you back the album you didn't remember giving to him. Had you even told him your name?

You panic, because the sparks aren't stopping and your fingertips are glowing. Jimin notices and a worried look appears on his face.

"Are you alright?" He asks with a knowing look.

You shake your head, because you know you're not. If there is someone of a high level near you, your power appears. Heck, if one of the next members appeared to be a level 7 or higher you knew your power would expose itself to this room full of people. You couldn't have that.

"M-My power." You whisper with a strained voice, because even though Jimin has already let go of your hand, you still feel his power and you have to try to control yours.

Jimin gulps and he and Namjoon lock eyes for a moment. You watch as Namjoon quickly nods at Jimin, who then turns back to you with a reassuring smile.

"Meet up with us later."

"What?!" You whisper-yell. You couldn't possibly up with the biggest boyband in the world. Could you?

"Namjoon gave you a number. Call it in a few hours. Now go, before anyone finds out." Jimin says soft enough for only you to hear.

You nod and watch as Jimin calls out for a staff member.

"Sir, Y/N here isn't feeling well. Could you escort her to the exit?"

A kind staff member looks at you with a worried smile and nods, immediately helping you up from your chair while you try to contain your powers. Your mind is only just clear enough for you to remember taking the only partly signed album with you before you feel a hand on the back of your shoulder and you are led through the crowds.

You hardly realize it when you are finally outside, the cold Winter wind hitting you in the face, snapping you out of your power-filled daze.

"Will you be alright, miss?" The kind staff member asks you and you nod, slightly awkward about the situation.

"Thank you, sir."

He bows politely and leaves, going back to the fanmeet. You stand in front of the large building and try to collect your thoughts. You stare at the cars passing by, the people rushing, the drones flying.

The drones...

They hadn't always been there. They had a way of scanning areas, scanning people even, to find those with powers. They were armed and they would shoot anyone with powers who disobeyed orders.

It was terrifying, but luckily as a level 5 you were able to hide your powers well. You were strong, which was why people would fear you once they found out about your powers. Therefore it was a good thing your strength enabled you to hide yourself.

That was, until today. Namjoon and Jimin had touched your hand, and a spark had been set off. That usually never happened, unless someone had an equal level or higher.

You look at the album in your hands and wonder what Namjoon was thinking when he wrote down his number. Why did he want to talk? Was it to keep his secret unknown to the public? You could imagine he'd want to, being a widely known idol.

"This is crazy," you sigh, shaking your head. You start walking, because you can't possibly stand still in the cold any longer. You're freezing.

/unlike when I held Jimin's hand/ you think, thinking back to the extreme warmth you had felt once Jimin had grabbed your hand. He was a Fiery for sure, and a strong one at that. You'd put him in the level 7 category, but as you think back he might be even stronger.

He'd been straightforward in showing off his power, but he hadn't tried to overpower you. In fact, he'd only wanted to show you that he was the same.

You can't help but wonder about the other members. Do they have powers too? Are they all high levels? How else can they have the strength to hide their power from millions of fans - and all their staff and interviewers at that?

Turning around a corner into the street that leads you to the train station, you hear a familiar sound in the distance. A drone swooshes by, a robotic voice calling out the usual warning. You try to see where it's going, squinting your eyes to see in the distance. There you see a man, running for his life.

"Oh no..." you mumble, running after the drone. You don't have a weapon and you certainly can not use your power to stop the drone, but the least you can do is try to convince the man to stop running. You know that he will be killed by the drone if he continues to resist.

The surrounding people look at you in distaste, most likely wondering why you are wasting your time on a low-life man with dangerous powers. You try to ignore the looks, but it stings nonetheless.

The man is running fast, but you fear that the drone is faster and you're too slow to catch up. You could be faster, but that would require using your powers and with this many drones - and people - around, you can't do it.

"Stop running, please!" You yell instead. It sounds desperate, a little too desperate for someone who doesn't even know the suspect. But you can't help it. You hate seeing the drones doing their 'job' and you hate it even more seeing them kill people like you. And for what? All out of fear.

The man does look back when he hears an actual person call out for him. When he sees your worried face he rolls his eyes and continues running.

"Please, the drone will kill you if you don't stop before the warning sound is done!" You shout, having seen it happen too often to your liking. Way too often. You can easily say it has scarred you in one way or another.

"Shut up!" The man yells back.

You almost trip over your own feet and curse at yourself. Now is not the time to be clumsy!

"Please, you have to listen to m-"

Your warning is drowned out when the drone stops its warning alarm and pulls out a machine gun, shooting the man down in only a few seconds.

You stop running, watching helplessly as the man now bleeds on the pavement. You couldn't help him. Again, you had to watch how a government drone shot one of your own.

Frustrated tears stream down your face. No, you didn't know the man and it was unusual for you to try to stop him, but you have your reasons.

You hate the system, you hate the government. All because of unnecessary fear, instilled by those who use their powers for bad, every single person with power is looked at as if they are dirt. Low-life people, destined to be shot at some point because they stepped out of line. Talked back to a Regular. Defied a drone. Took an illegal job, because guess what? It's almost impossible to get a job as someone with power.

You hate it. You yourself have the privilege of being a level 5, able to hide your power as long as no one provokes you, but having to live that way is frustrating, to say the least.

You want change.

And at that moment, right there at a crossing where another was shot before your eyes, you decide that you have to do something.

But first, you have to call Namjoon.

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