Chapter 2: Phone Call

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On the outskirts of Seoul, there is a place you can call home. A safe house, where you are loved and where you don't have to hide who you are. It isn't big, it isn't flashy, but it's exactly what you need.

You sit in the living room of the small house, your brother and father busy with a business meeting. They work for a small corporation in Seoul, where they too lay low - they are level 5 just like you. If anyone found out, you would be arrested immediately.

Level 5 is one of the higher levels. Those up until level 4 are seen as relatively safe and they are allowed to show their powers in workplaces. Still, level 4 people are being closely watched.

The higher powers up to level 8 have a bigger problem. They supposedly form a huge danger to society and have to be locked away for safety measures. Some government officials even argue that they should all be killed.

You shiver at the thought, but it leads you to think about those with level 9 or 10. They are shot at sight. No questions asked, no rules. As soon as someone is revealed to be one of the two highest levels, it's over for them.

"Seojoon," you whisper, trying to gain your brother's attention from where he is sitting at the table behind a computer, opposite of your father.

Seojoon hears you. He momentarily raises his eyebrow at you before looking back at the computer.

"Ah, yes, sir, I think that would be great." You hear him say and you roll your eyes, letting out a sigh. He's ignoring you, so you'll have to wait with telling him about what happened.

That is, until you think about it a little more. Would it be safe to tell anyone about Namjoon and Jimin? Even though they are like you?

You don't know what to make of it yet, and you remember you had to call Namjoon first, so you walk out of the living room and head to your bedroom, which is in the attic.

You walk up the stairs, past all the framed pictures of you and your brother that hang on the wall. The two of you are twins, and it shows.

As soon as you reach your bedroom you take out your crappy phone and unlock it. You have a few messages from your friend Minjung, but you tell yourself to reply to her later. First, you have to call the number in your album.

It surprises you when you hear a soft 'hello?' only two rings after you pressed the call button.

"N-Namjoon-ssi, is that you?" you ask carefully, not knowing how to start otherwise.

"Yes, it's me. Thank you for calling, Y/N. It means a lot that you trust us enough to call." He replies. You hear the sincerity in his voice, but you grimace at his words.

"Trust is a big word, Namjoon-ssi. I'm not sure what to think of this yet."

There is a short pause, before Namjoon clears his throat.

"Ehm, yeah, I get that. How about- how about we meet up? We better discuss this sort of stuff face to face."

"Yeah, you never know who's listening." You mumble. You know that it happens often enough that phone calls are recorded, tracked, and that it could mean the end of you. If as much as power or your level is mentioned in a conversation, you're no longer safe.

Not that we ever are, you think sadly.

"Exactly." Namjoon replies. "Do you have a time and place you feel comfortable with? Or would you like me to suggest something?"

You smile at his gentleman behaviour. He's still Namjoon, of course. The wonderful guy you've been a fan of for years.

"I don't have any plans tomorrow afternoon. Does that work for you?"

"Certainly." Namjoon replies immediately. A little too quickly, if you think about it. Why does he want to meet up with you so badly?

"There's a meeting room at the Big Hit building we could use." Namjoon suggests, before quickly adding: "It's entirely safe."

"Will it be just you and me?" You ask, a little nervous about the fact that you are going to the actual Big Hit building to talk to the actual Namjoon aka RM from BTS.

"Yeah- I mean, if that's what you want. I Jimin too, or the other guys-"

"Do they know?" Is the first thing you ask, interrupting him. It is quiet for a second and you wonder if you had been too rude by stopping him mid-sentence.

"They...they do. They're part of this too."

You swallow and stay silent for a moment. All of the boys are the same. They aren't Regulars.

The time you need to process the information is long enough to worry Namjoon.

"Y/N, are you okay? I understand if you're uncomfortable with meeting up with the entire group, so I'm more than fine with just the two of us talking about this."

You snap out of your thoughts and let out a shaky laugh.

"N-No, it's fine, actually." You say. "If they know, it's only better to talk to them too, right?"

"Right." Namjoon answers. "So, tomorrow at Big Hit. Does three o'clock work for you?"

"Yes, sounds good." You say softly.

"See you tomorrow then, Y/N."

With that, the two of you hang up.

You're still shaky and there are more than a hundred things running through your head. Your thoughts go from 'BTS is like me' to 'I'm going to Big Hit' and 'I just called Kim Namjoon'. All the while, you stare at your ceiling with a blank look on your face as you lie on your bed.

That is, until you think about how soft Namjoon's voice had sounded and how kind he was, even in such a stressful or strange situation like this.

You blush, covering your face with your arm.

"Ahh man, what have I ended up in?"

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