Chapter 3: the Meeting

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The heels of your boots make a much louder noise than you'd hoped as you walk into the Big Hit building. Multiple people look up and watch as you head toward the main desk.

Once there, you smile politely at the lady behind the desk.

"Hello, I have a meeting with BTS at three." You say, trying to speak as soft as possible, but you know people have heard you because even more heads turn to you now. It's not every day someone like you walks in to have a meeting with the biggest boyband in the world.

After checking her computer, the lady looks up and smiles back at you. "Please go to meeting room B21 on the sixth floor. They will be waiting there for you."

You thank the lady and immediately head toward the elevator, not liking the feeling of all those eyes on you. You know they're judging you, taking in your appearance, wondering if you have powers.

For a second you wonder if the staff here also has powers. It would seem difficult for the boys to hide theirs from everyone, wouldn't it?

The elevator opens and you step inside, but it doesn't close before a man wearing a burgundy suit steps in and stands next to you. You smile a little and he nods at you as a greeting, though his eyes linger on you a little longer and you wonder why.

You glance at him a few times, and every single time his dark brown - almost black - eyes stare at you.

"Sixth floor~" the elevator finally sounds. You have to suppress a relieved sigh before you move to step out of the elevator, but then there is suddenly a firm hold on your arm and you gasp softly in surprise. You look behind you to see Burgundy Suit still staring at you.

"Sir, what are you-"

"I know what you are." the man says, his voice low and ominous, and you frown at him. Clearly he can't mean what you think he's saying.

"What are you talking about?"

"We will meet again, Y/N." He says, before letting go of your arm.

You speed out of the elevator, nearly running through the hallways in search of meeting room B21. You don't even think about the fact that this man you'd never met before knew your name.

The room isn't easy to find, and only because you chose to randomly take a left turn somewhere you end up in front of the right meeting room. It is all the way at the end of the hallway, and you figure it's a good spot for the discussion you're about to have. Far away from everyone else.

You knock on the door three times, waiting until you hear a cheerful voice call out 'come in, it's open!'. You recognize it immediately as Hoseok's - it's fair to say you're a true fan and know them well - and you feel nervous. You grab the doorknob and twist it, opening the door and walking into the meeting room.

The first one you notice is Namjoon, who holds a warm smile on his face as he welcomes you. You hardly hear him say the words, but your mind registers enough for you to bow at him and thank him.

The second one your eyes fall on is Hoseok, who is seated next to Namjoon and grins at you, waving his hand slightly.

"Hi!" He chirps. "You can sit down here if you want."

He motions at the empty chair in front of him and you nod, sitting down and putting your bag on the ground.

"Thank you for coming." Namjoon says, an honest smile on his face. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience of having to travel all the way here. I-If you want we can cover your expenses."

You chuckle and shake your head. "No worries, it's nice to visit the city center every once in a while."

You can't help but notice that the 94' liners are the only ones here. "Where are the others? I thought they'd be here too?"

"Jimin and Taehyung were just here. They'll be right back. The other three should be here in a few minutes too." Hoseok answers your question.

You nod in understanding and then watch the two of them quietly. They look back at you, Hoseok still smiling but Namjoon already into serious-mode.

"We couldn't really discuss over the phone why exactly I wanted to meet up with you..." Namjoon starts off, his voice a little unsure.

You nod, "Right, but I think I know what this is about. I know of your secret probably want to make some sort of arrangement so I won't tell anyone, right?"

That is truly what you had thought yesterday. These boys are idols, known by millions and millions of people - if not the whole world - and if the public knew they had would be bad. Really bad. Especially since they are no low levels. Jimin is a level 7 or higher for Pete's sake!

However, Namjoon surprises you with his reply.

"Actually, that's not the reason."

Hoseok chuckles at the shocked look on your face. "We trust that someone like us wouldn't just tell everyone about our secret. Let alone an ARMY!"

You smile. "Yeah..." you are an ARMY after all. They were right; of course you would never out them to the world. You were too loyal for that, not only as a fellow Power but also as an ARMY.

"No, actually we wanted to tell you more about us." Namjoon says. "You must be confused and...well, if you have any questions you are welcome to ask them."

You smile at his words, but then you tilt your head in confusion. "But why? I'm just...just a fan. Why would you want to meet up like this and put yourselves in danger by telling me even more?"

Hoseok grins at that, which makes you raise an eyebrow at him.

"Because we want you to join us!"

"Hope-ah, don't go shouting at her like that." Namjoon hushes the excited squirrel.

Meanwhile, you look at them with big eyes. What did that mean? You? Join them?

"Wha- but huh- I don't know-" you stutter, unable to form any coherent sentence.

"Don't worry, we'll explain." Namjoon says, an extremely reassuring smile on his face - did I mention his dimples were showing - which makes you relax instantly.

"Alright..." you mumble, watching him expectantly.

"So, to start, we are an idol group. As you know, obviously. All of us, however, have powers." Namjoon starts.

You gulp, watching him intently as he speaks.

"All seven of us were born with powers. None of us had an easy childhood because of them. We had to learn how to suppress them, how to hide them. Probably much like you."

You look away at that, but nod slightly. You can see Hoseok giving you a sympathetic smile, though it closely resembles a grimace. He must know how you feel about the subject.

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