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I woke up with her on my chest. Immediately the tight feeling in my chest disappeared. I enjoyed having the petite figure that hosted the soul of the love of my life here, on my chest. Of all the things in the world, there was probably nothing I could adore more than Y/N, and nothing I craved more than her love.

I took in her angelic features. Her pretty eyes, now glued shut in a peaceful manner. Her petite nose she didnt like, which gave me more reasons to love it. Her soft pretty lips that have given me so much kisses. That have caressed my neck and shoulders. Her lips that let her unique voice leave her body. That gave her the possibility to speak her mind, and make me laugh with her stubbornness.

And then we had her soft, squishy cheeks. She absolutely despised them. She thought that her skin wasnt clear enough, and that she was imperfect. I never understood why she wanted to be so perfect though. I adored her imperfections, because that was the only thing that showed that she was real. That she wasnt an illusion. That she existed.

Her eyes fluttered open, and I took in her beautiful eyes. The pretty color, and the glint of happiness, and calmness made me feel even more content. Goodmorning princess, I whispered, while going trough her soft hair with my hands. Goodmorning bubs, she smiled, her voice croaky, as she had just woken up. I sat up, and pulled her against my chest, enjoying the moment.

Did you sleep well?, she broke the silence. Yes I did. I always do when youre here, I smiled, and for a second I saw her smile fade, but it almost immediately came back, so I figured Id imagined it.

Were you awake for long?, she then asked. No, a few minutes maybe. You looked so peaceful, I didnt want to wake you up at all, I smiled. Again, her smile faded and came back. Stupidly enough, I didnt question it at all. Everything seemed right at this moment, in this universum.

All of the sudden, she sat up straight. I looked at her confused. Whats wrong doll? Are you feeling well?, I asked her concerned. I want to live this day to the fullest! I want to feel alive!, she exclaimed happily. I smiled at her happiness.

Now we were just walking in the park we met. We had both been stood up by our dates, and both decided to be depressed at the same fountain.


How could I even think I had a chance! That girl was defenitely a 10, while Im maybe a 6, I thought to myself, as I angrily stomped out of the restaurant my date didnt show up to.

I wandered around the small town for a bit, before deciding to go to the fountain that held so many memories of mine. It had seen so many of my tears yet never judged me. It was nice having something to vent to, even though it didnt exactly talk back. I think thats what made it so nice. Though it might not be able to give me advice, it would never judge me. And that was the thing I was looking for.

As I approached my destination, I saw a small figure with her head in her hands sitting on the same fountain I was going to. I guess I wasnt the only one having memories with that place.

I carefully sat down beside her, and wrapped my arms around her shoulders. That gesture might seem strange, and even creepy, but at this point, I just wanted to comfort her, and it looked like that was exactly what she needed.

She looked up with tear-stained cheeks. Sorry about this. Im Y/N, she introduced herself. I smiled and pulled her into a hug. Im Michael.


Hey Michael, are you okay?, Y/N snapped me out of my train of thoughts. I looked at her and started being confused. The memory wasnt the same as usually, but I couldnt see it the way it was anymore. It was like a part of me just forgot about it.

She seemed to see I understood. Im so sorry about all of this Michael. I just wanted to share some moments together, but I guess its time. You need to let go of me, she whispered, grabbing my hand for one last time.

Ill do that, I know its time. Ill try to let go of you, but please know that Ill never forget you. Ill keep the memories of you alive in my heart, I said, while the scene around me started fading. One more thing bubs, she said, looking incredibly pale. Yes love?, I asked. Find new love. Theres someone out there waiting to make you happy. Dont push them away please. Theyll help you heal. I love you, she said, as I opened my eyes again.

I saw the white interior, and knew exactly where I was. Shes gone, isnt she?, I asked, to no-one in particular. Lukes head immediately snapped in my direction. Hes awake!, he practically screamed. Everyone sped towards me.

Do you remember what happened?, Ashton asked. Shes gone, isnt she?, I repeated. You and Y/N were in a car crash. Youre right, she didnt make it. Im so sorry, Calum said.

And thats when I felt the pain.

Shes gone.


I only realised now, that I never put quotation marks, and I'm so sorry about that. I Always get triggered when reading things without those, and now I'm doing it myself lmao

Word count:

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